Transaction statuses

Learn about Travel Rule transaction statuses.

The following is a list of possible transaction statuses.

CounterpartyVASP Not ReachableThe data couldn't be sent since the second side of the transaction was not reachable. The response from the counterparty hasn’t been received.
Awaiting CounterpartyThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The response from the counterparty is awaited.
ExpiredThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. There was no response received from the counterparty on time.
OnHoldThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The transaction has been interrupted on the second side.
CounterPartyVASP Not FoundThe second side of the transaction was not found.
UnConfirmed OwnershipThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. Wallet ownership has not been confirmed.
Counterparty Unconfirmed OwnershipThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The negative response on wallet ownership has been received.