Payment methods checks

Verify payment methods and combat fraud with the Sumsub’s bank card and crypto transaction checks.

Use our payment verification to increase the protection level of financial operations:

  • Prevent fraudulent activities and unfair chargebacks.
  • Detect third-party involvement in payment processing by checking the ownership of the bank card before the transaction is made.
  • Verify both physical and digital bank cards.

Monitor crypto transactions to estimate associated risks:

  • Set corresponding alerts for certain transactions.
  • Review suspicious transfers.
  • Check a wide range of currencies and tokens.

How it works

Payment checks can be conducted during onboarding or when an ongoing transaction is being made by your applicants. Sumsub diligently processes each transaction and performs all the required checks, providing you with the comprehensive verification results.

Onboarding verification of bank cards

Secure your services during the registration of new applicants.

An onboarding verification process consists of the following steps:

  1. The applicant attempts verification on your service and passes all required checks.
  2. The applicant is asked to upload a photo of their bank card.
  3. The submitted image is checked for integrity and authenticity and assigned a digital trust score.
  4. The system extracts the necessary information and processes the sensitive data following PCI DSS.
  5. The data extracted from the card is screened and matched against the applicant profile to estimate the risk associated with the submitted card based on the following checks:
    • Name Match — compares the name on the card with the name on the applicant ID using a fuzzy matching algorithm.
    • Country Match — compares the country indicated on the applicant proof of identity with the bank card country of issue. Information about the country of issue extracted from IBAN is also compared.
    • IP Country vs Applicant Country check — determines whether the applicant is using a proxy server or VPN to disguise their true location.
    • IP Risk Score — evaluates risk based on the associated IP address inputs. The score is displayed as a percentage where any score above 65% is considered high risk and causes the card to be declined.
    • Cross Check — matches the bank card data against other data provided through identity verification.
    • Risk Score — estimates the risk associated with a transaction, based on a combination of machine learning algorithms and manual review of network-wide fraud patterns. The score is displayed as a percentage where any score above 65% is considered a high risk and causes the bank card to be declined.

Ongoing verification of bank card transactions

Stay protected from fraud on a daily basis — request an additional confirmation for high-risk transactions.

An ongoing verification process consists of the following steps:

  1. The applicant attempts a transaction and is asked to upload a selfie with the card or pass Liveness & Face match.
  2. The applicant selfie is matched against their profile photo.

Get started

Set up verification settings and perform checks on bank cards and transactions:

  1. Set up the WebSDK and MobileSDK integration. Alternatively, use this API method to submit the payment data.
  2. Configure payment methods.
  3. Add payment methods.
  4. Conduct verification.
  5. Review results.

Configure payment methods

Specify cross-check settings to control the manner of comparing bank cards:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Bank Card Check page.
  2. Enable the associated checkboxes if you want to ignore variations in:
    • The applicant country and the country that issued the bank card.
    • The applicant country and the current IP address location.
  3. Save your changes.



The applicant country can be set via API or by applicants via SDKs. If neither works, the country is set to that of the first uploaded document.

Set the risk amount threshold and risk score to receive alerts about suspicious crypto transactions:

  1. Navigate to Crypto Check.
  2. Specify the risky score limit to receive alerts on suspicious deposit transactions:
    • Select Percent and drag the scroll box to set the threshold as a percentage value.
    • Select USD Amount and enter a threshold amount (in USD).
  3. Specify the risky score limit as a percentage value to receive alerts on suspicious withdrawal transactions.
  4. If you do not want to reject transactions despite the external high risk alerts, enable the associated checkbox.
  5. Save your changes.



To check crypto transactions without associating it with a particular applicant profile, perform standalone crypto analysis.

Add payment methods

To add payment methods:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Payment methods page and set the required parameters:
    • Payment method type. Can be a bank card or crypto-wallet.
    • Name and description.
    • Requirements for the image upload.
    • Default instructions for your applicants that will appear in the SDK during the checks.
    • Checks and fields to be taken into account when performing verification.
    • Fields requested from the applicant to fill in.
  2. Save your changes.

Verify applicants

To perform bank card checks:

  1. Create a verification level.
  2. From the Type drop-down list, select Applicant actions.
  3. From the Action type drop-down list, select Additional verification.
  4. Add Payment methods as a required step and select Bank card.
  5. Continue building your verification level as needed and save it when done.



Crypto checks must be submitted via applicant actions or using standalone crypto analysis.

Review results

To review the verification results:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to the Applicants page.
  2. Open an applicant profile and navigate to the Actions tab.

Alternatively, you can perform an API request associated with the applicant or with a separate crypto transaction.