Verification steps

Customize verification steps to match your requirements.

This article lists verification steps that you can use to verify the identity of your applicants. Combine all the steps listed below to build complex verification flows based on your scenario.



You can only add one verification type of the same kind per level. For example, if you already selected the Identity document verification type, you will no longer be able to add this particular type within the same level. However, you can add a 2nd Identity document, Proof of address, Selfie step if needed.



Applicant data

The Applicant data step allows you to collect additional information about your applicants during verification in SDKs.

To configure the applicant data collection process:

  • In the Fields drop-down list, add fields such as the applicant's first name, last name, date of birth, and so on. Also, you can select the Required checkbox so your applicants cannot skip them.

  • Click Add custom field to add custom fields based on the particular information you want to collect from your applicants.


  • At least one field in the Fields section must be required.

  • You cannot collect applicant data with applicant actions, as this option is only available for the Standard or Module option selected in the Type drop-down list.

Identity document

On the Identity document step, you can request an identity document from your applicants.

In the Document type drop-down list, add or remove the type of identity confirmation.

Available document types:

  • Passport

  • Driver's license

  • ID card

  • Residence permit

In the Capture method section, you can select the way applicants provide their documents:

  • File upload — Applicant uploads an existing file or image from their device.

  • Live capture — Applicant takes a photo of their documents in real time during the application process.

In the Capture mode drop-down list, choose whether applicants can also upload documents manually, or only use live capture. Additionally, the Fallback to file upload setting lets you control whether file upload is always available, only allowed if camera capture fails, or not available at all.


  • For more information on document customization, see this article.

  • To learn how to set up Live capture mode, refer to this article.


The Selfie step requires your applicants to take a photo or video of themselves to prove their actual presence.

In the Selfie type drop-down, choose the selfie type that matches your requirements.

Available selfie types:

  • Advanced liveness check — Applicant passes a facial biometric check during application. You can specify whether they need to move their head to complete the check.

  • Short video fragment — Applicant records a short video in real time, pronouncing the digits displayed on the screen.

Note: Consider that the Head movement required option for Advanced liveness check is available only in the WebSDK.

Proof of address (PoA)

On the Proof of address step, you request address confirmation from your applicants. They can provide it as a document, such as a utility bill, bank statement, lease agreement, and so on, depending on your requirements. Also, there is an option to confirm the address by tracking their GPS location.

To configure the address confirmation process:

  • In the Select PoA preset drop-down list, you need to select the necessary preset if you have created them previously. In case there are no available presets, refer to this article to learn how to set one up. Click Edit to add or remove PoA requirements in the existing preset.

  • In the Geolocation checkbox, you can activate geolocation tracking as an alternative or additional method of address confirmation. With this setting, the applicant does not need to upload any documents; the system detects their location via GPS to verify the address.

  • In the Fields drop-down list, select all necessary fields that should be provided, such as a country, city, street, and so on. Click Add field to add a new field, and set the Required checkbox to make it mandatory if necessary.

Note: Mind that by enabling the second Geolocation checkbox, your applicants will not be able to provide their PoA documents as an alternative to geolocation check. This setting is only supported in the WebSDK 2.0.

Payment methods

The Payment methods step helps you confirm payment method ownership and prevents fraudulent and suspicious transactions.

With the WebSDK 1.0, you can set up a new payment method for:

  • Bank card — Applicant uploads a photo of their bank card. From the Bank card drop-down list, choose the acceptable bank card types for your verification flow.

  • Crypto wallet — Applicant provides their crypto wallet address. In the Crypto wallet drop-down list, select the acceptable wallet types for this step. You can also specify the number of uploaded images and add additional fields if more data is required.

With the WebSDK 2.0, you can add a step and choose whether to skip the ownership or risk check by selecting the corresponding checkboxes. Keep in mind that you cannot skip both checks. To configure your specific requirements for the payment method type, refer to this article.

Note: Consider that the Payment Method step can only be added within the Applicant actions level type.

  • For more information on how to set up a payment method, refer to this article.

  • To learn how to configure applicant actions, see this article.


Within the Questionnaire step, you can request additional data from your applicants.

To configure the questionnaire:

  • Choose the required questionnaire type in the Questionnaire drop-down list if you have set it up in advance. If not, refer to this article to create your custom set of questions.

  • Click Edit to add or remove questions in the existing questionnaire.

Phone verification

The Phone verification step allows you to confirm the reliability of the applicant's phone number. Applicant receives a one-time code via SMS, enter it for confirmation, and the system determines the risk level based on their number and IP check.

This step does not require any settings. For more information, see this article.

Email verification

The Email verification step allows you to confirm the reliability of the applicant's email address. Applicant receives a one-time code via email, enter it for confirmation, and the system determines the risk level of their email address and IP check.

This step does not require any settings. For more information, see this article.


With the Non-doc step, applicants do not need to provide photos of their ID or PoA documents. They just fill in their identity document number or log in to a bank account, and pass the Advanced liveness check.

If you add this step to your verification scenario, it will be mandatory for applicants. Select the corresponfing checkbox in case you want to allow them to skip the Non-Doc step.

Note: The Non-Doc Verification is only available for documents from a limited number of countries. Check the country availability and learn how to set up the Non-doc step for your verification flow in the Identity Verification and Address Verification articles.

Video Identification

Video Identification allows you to conduct a more in-depth applicant verification through a live video call. During the call, your applicants confirm their identity and answer security questions to verify authenticity.

To configure the video identification process:

  • In the General step, select the Enable video identification for all steps toggle to add video identification to your flow. Use the Select document types that can be uplocaded drop-down list to choose what document types applicant can provide for video verification, such as a passport, ID card, driver's license, and so on.

  • You can also configure other steps as part of video identification using Include this step diring video identification checkboxes in these steps.

Note: You can enable video identification only in the WebSDK 1.0.

Manage steps in verification flows

You can manage verification steps in any of the following ways:

  • Select Add new step to add a new step to your flow.
  • Use the trash bin icon to remove a step or field from the created verification flow.
  • Reorder steps or fields by clicking and holding the six dots icon.