Testing in Sandbox

Use Sandbox to test your integration before going live.

In the Dashboard, there are two modes available:

  • Sandbox. Test mode where you can test our platform in an isolated manner. Sandbox lets you access most of the Sumsub functionality, so that you can:
  • Production. Production mode for performing real checks where applicants are approved and declined by the system. While in this mode, you are charged accordingly for each of your checks.



  • The maximum number of applicant profiles that you can create in Sandbox mode is limited to 500 per 24 hours.
  • Billing information is not available in Sandbox mode.

Switch between Sandbox and Production

You can switch between Sandbox and Production mode directly from the Dashboard using the toggle located in the upper-right corner.



  • You can switch between Sandbox and Production if you are trialing or already have full access to production (that is, when you go with a subscription plan or as an enterprise customer).
  • Once your trial period is over, your access will be limited to Sandbox only.
  • [Applicable only to self-service clients] If you use Sandbox as part of your subscription or if you are trialing Sumsub with the card details attached, you will be automatically moved to Production mode post-trial.

Configure Sandbox checks

While performing test verification in Sandbox mode, you can set up checks via presets—select the type of review and configure verification modes for particular checks.

There are 5 types of checks available in Sandbox:

  • Face match — perform the Liveness check and detect facial features on the document photos.
  • Cross check — match the data that have been entered manually with the data from the applicant’s documents.
  • Image quality — identify whether a particular image uploaded by an applicant has been edited.
  • Duplicates search — find duplicate applicant profiles.
  • PoA check — test PoA verification. This check works only with our document templates.

All test checks can be processed manually or automatically, depending on the configuration:

  • When the manual review option is selected, applicants will be put to Pending. This option is more convenient for the end-to-end testing.
  • When processing checks automatically, you can choose the approach in which results will be received.

To adjust the test checks in Sandbox:

  1. In the Dashboard, go to Dev space and navigate to Sandbox mode for verification testing.
  2. Click Create new verification preset.
  3. Enter the preset name and identify the way of processing checks — Manual review or Automated applicant review.
  4. When selecting the Automated applicant review option, you will be able to choose the mode that determines the results that will be received during the checks. Identify the mode for each check accordingly:
    1. Skip — do not perform the check.
    2. Run — conduct the check in the same way as in Production.
  5. Click Create to save the preset.

Upload document templates while testing

In Sandbox, you can upload any document templates from the template collection. Depending on the type of template, the system will return different results:

  • If there is a sample document taken from the template collection, all the data will be recognized and shown in the fields.
  • If there is a non-standard template or photo of your cat, the required fields will be filled with the mock data (Mock firstName, Mock lastName).



The results received during the template processing depend upon the Sandbox preset settings.