Get transaction information (externalTxnId)


Use this method to retrieve the transaction information using the externalTxnId (a transaction identifier on your side).

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that represents the structured transaction information available in the Sumsub system. The existence of some fields depends on the transaction type and matched rules.

Below, you can see the response structure and possible content with descriptions:

Root variables

The following table explains the root variables that represent the core transaction data items. Some of them may include nested attributes and element fields.

idStringUnique transaction identifier in the Sumsub system.
applicantIdStringUnique applicant identifier in the Sumsub system (applicantId).

This identifier is a random combination of 24 digits and lowercase Latin characters. It is automatically generated when the applicant profile is created on the Sumsub side.
externalUserIdStringUnique transaction participant identifier as it is registered on your side.
clientIdStringUnique identifier of you as our client in the Sumsub system.

This identifier is assigned to you when you are registered in and get access to the Sumsub system. It usually resembles your name or your company name. clientId is automatically added to the applicant profile when it is created.
dataObjectTransaction-related data submitted to Sumsub by the user. This data includes such details as transaction identifier, date and time when the transaction was initiated on the user side, financial information, transaction participants, and so on.
scoreIntegerTransaction score based on the triggered rules.
reviewObjectExplains the details of transaction status and check result.
createdAtDateDate and time (UTC) when a transaction was created in the Sumsub system.
scoringResultObjectIncludes an overall scoring result and its details.
txnInactiveBooleanIf this field returns true, the applicant profile associated with the transaction is deleted.

data attributes

The following table explains the data object fields which represent the transaction-related data submitted to Sumsub by the user. This data includes such details as transaction identifier, date and time when the transaction was initiated on the user side, financial information, transaction participants, and so on.

txnIdStringTransaction identifier (externalTxnId) as it is on your side.
txnDateDateThe date and time (UTC) when a transaction was initiated on your side (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+XXXX , for example, 2022-10-25 22:30:02+0000).
applicantObjectIncludes the data of the financial transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction and may differ from the relevant applicant profile.

The applicant can be a sender or remitter depending on the info.direction parameter.
counterpartyObjectIncludes the data related to the other party that participates in the financial transaction. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction.

The counterparty can be a sender or remitter depending on the info.direction parameter.
typeStringTransaction type. Expects values:
  • finance(default)
  • gamblingBet
  • gamblingLimitChange
  • gamblingBonusChange
  • kyc
  • travelRule
  • userPlatformEvent
    • login
    • signup
    • passwordChange
    • twoFaReset
infoObjectTransaction-related financial information.
propsMap of stringsMap of strings in JSON format with custom keys and string values. Represents transaction properties.

data.applicant attributes

The following table explains the data.applicant object fields which contain the data of the financial transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is submitted to Sumsub within a transaction and may differ from the relevant applicant profile.

An applicant can be a sender or remitter depending on the info.direction parameter.

externalUserIdStringUnique applicant identifier as it is on your side.

You can generate and add it manually when creating an applicant. If not, the external user ID is added automatically.
fullNameStringApplicant full name.
dobDateDate of birth (format yyyy-mm-dd).
placeOfBirthStringPlace of birth. This can be a city, a town or another settlement type.
addressObjectApplicant actual address details (if provided).
typeEnumApplicant entity type: individual or company.
paymentMethodObjectPayment method used by the applicant.
paymentMethodExtractedInfoObjectPayment method information extracted from available data (represents the type that could be smartContract, bankCard, or bankAccount).
deviceObjectTechnical data of the device used by the applicant to complete a transaction.
institutionInfoObjectInformation regarding the financial institution through which the applicant made a transaction.
institutionExtractedInfoObjectFinancial institution information extracted from available data. Stands for BIC country.

data.counterparty attributes

The following table explains the data.counterparty object fields which contain the data related to the other party that participates in the financial transaction. This data is submitted to Sumsub within a transaction.

A counterparty can be a sender or remitter depending on the info.direction parameter.

externalUserIdStringUnique user identifier as it is on your side.
fullNameStringCounterparty full name.
dobDateDate of birth (format yyyy-mm-dd).
placeOfBirthStringPlace of birth. This can be a city, a town or another settlement type.
addressObjectCounterparty actual address details (if provided).
typeEnumCounterparty entity type: individual or company.
paymentMethodObjectPayment method used by a counterparty.
paymentMethodExtractedInfoObjectPayment method information extracted from available data (represents the type that could be smartContract, bankCard, or bankAccount).
deviceObjectTechnical data of the device used by a counterparty to complete a transaction.
institutionInfoObjectInformation regarding the financial institution through which a counterparty made a transaction.
institutionExtractedInfoObjectFinancial institution information extracted from available data. Stands for BIC country.

address attributes

The following table includes the details of the actual address (if provided). The address may be associated with a user, a device in use, a financial institution, and so on, depending on the object to which the address parameter refers.

buildingNameStringBuilding name.
flatNumberStringFlat or apartment number.
subStreetStringAdditional information related to the street. This could be a house number or any other details.
subStreetEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the additional information related to the street into Latin characters.
streetStringStreet name.
streetEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the street name into Latin characters.
stateStringState, region, district, county or another territorial entity inside a country.
stateEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the territorial entity into Latin characters.
buildingNumberStringBuilding number.
townStringCity, town, or another settlement.
townEnStringAutomatic transliteration of the settlement into Latin characters.
postCodeStringAddress postal code.
countryStringAlpha-3 country code (for example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on).
formattedAddressStringAddress in a human readable format. For example, Design Offices, Philipsbornstraße 2, 30165 Hannover, Germany.

paymentMethod attributes

The following table explains the details of the payment method used by the transaction participant.

typeStringPayment method type: card / account / crypto.
accountIdStringRepresentation of the account ID: account number, IBAN/BIC or DC hash for card, crypto wallet address for crypto type, smart contract or not, and so on.
issuingCountryStringPayment issuing country code in Alpha-3 format (ISO 3166-1). For example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on.
3dsUsedBooleanIndicates if 3d secure authentication was used.
2faUsedBooleanIndicates if 2FA (two-factor authentication) was used.
memoStringOptional field in blockchain transactions to attach metadata or messages for identification, routing, or compliance purposes.

device attributes

The following table explains the specifications associated with the device used by the transaction participant to complete a transaction.

ipInfoObjectIncludes the data related to the used IP address.
userAgentStringDevice user-agent.
sessionIdStringIdentifier of the transaction session.
sessionAgeMsLongThe session lifetime in milliseconds.
acceptLangStringLanguage of the browser used by a transaction participant, e.g. en.
platformStringDevice platform, e.g. Mobile Android.
coordsObjectGeographical coordinates.
addressObjectThe address related to a device.
fingerprintStringDevice fingerprint.

ipInfo attributes

This table explains the data elements associated with the IP address.

ipStringIP address.
countryCode2StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
countryCode3StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
cityStringCity the IP address belongs to.
zipCodeStringZIP code.
latDoubleRepresents the position latitude in decimal degrees.
lonDoubleRepresents the position longitude in decimal degrees.
asnIntegerAutonomous System Number.
asnOrgStringASN organization.
riskyAsnBooleanA value determining whether ASN is risky (true) or not (false).

coords attributes

This table describes the data elements representing geographical coordinates.

latDoubleRepresents the position's latitude in decimal degrees.
lonDoubleRepresents the position's longitude in decimal degrees.
accuracyDoubleRepresents the accuracy of the latitude and longitude properties, expressed in meters.

institutionInfo and institutionExtractedInfo attributes

The following table explains the attributes of the institutionInfo and institutionExtractedInfo objects:

  • institutionInfo — Information regarding the financial institution through which a participant made a transaction.
  • institutionExtractedInfo — Financial institution information extracted from available data.
codeStringTransaction institution code, e.g. BIC.
nameStringTransaction institution name.
addressObjectTransaction institution address.
internalIdStringVASP identifier for counterparty transaction. If provided, we trust the exchange and use the expected VASP for transaction approval. attributes

The following table explains the transaction-related financial information.

  • out — the applicant sends to the counterparty.
  • in — the counterparty sends to the applicant.
amountDoubleThe amount of funds sent within a transaction (in a currency used by an applicant). The round transaction amounts are detected: 10, 5000, 100000, and so on.
currencyCodeStringCode of the currency in which the transaction was made.
currencyTypeStringIndicates whether the transaction is crypto or fiat.
amountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleTransaction amount in the default currency.
defaultCurrencyCodeStringCode of the default currency.
paymentTxnIdStringCrypto transaction identifier from the blockchain.
paymentDetailsStringComment with the payment details.
paymentTxnIdStringCrypto transaction identifier from the blockchain.

review attributes

The following table explains the details of the transaction status and check result.

reviewIdStringUnique identifier of the transaction check in the Sumsub system.
attemptIdStringUnique identifier of the check attempt.

Transaction checks can be initiated more than once if, for example, they failed and the information was added/changed.
attemptCntIntegerThe counting number of the check attempt.
elapsedSincePendingMsIntegerElapsed time since the transaction check passed to the pending status.
createDateDateDate and time (UTC) when the transaction was created in the Sumsub system.
reviewDateDateDate and time (UTC) when the transaction check was completed.
reviewResultObjectExplains the transaction review result.
reviewStatusStringIndicates the transaction status ( onHold, completed, init, awaitingUser).
confirmedBooleanIndicates whether the officer has confirmed the verdict on the transaction as defined by the rules.

reviewResult attributes

Contains the reviewAnswer parameter that explains the transaction review result.

reviewAnswerStringExplains the transaction review result.
  • GREEN — the transaction is approved.
  • RED — the transaction is declined.
reviewRejectTypeStringIndicates the type of rejection.
  • FINAL — final rejection in case of major violations. The transaction cannot be resubmitted for verification.
  • RETRY — temporary rejection in case of minor violations. The transaction can be resubmitted with new information provided.

scoringResult attributes

The following table explains the transaction overall scoring result and its details.

scoreIntegerCalculated score of a transaction.
dryScoreIntegerCalculated dry score of the transaction which would be assigned by the rules applied in the dry run mode.
applicantActionsArray of objectsEach object includes applicant action data.
matchedRulesArray of objectsAll rules that matched during the scoring session.
failedRulesArray of objectsAll rules that failed during the scoring session.
actionStringResult of all matched rules combined (score / onHold / reject / approved, and so on).
ruleCntIntegerTotal number of the rules counted for a transaction.
dryRunRuleCntIntegerTotal number of the dry run rules counted for a transaction.

applicantActions element fields

The following table describes the object fields of the applicantActions array.

applicantActionIdStringUnique applicant action identifier on the Sumsub side.
externalActionIdStringUnique applicant action identifier on your side.

matchedRules element fields

The following table explains the details of the rule that matched during the scoring session. Each rule is represented by an individual object inside the matchedRules array.

idStringRule identifier.
nameStringRule name.
revisionIntegerRule revision. Incremented after the rule has been edited.
titleStringRule title.
scoreIntegerAmount that will be added to the overall score if the rule is matched.
dryRunBooleanIndicates whether the rule is applied in a dry run mode (no affection on the transaction, no side effects).
  • true — the rule in the dry run mode.
  • false — the rule in the regular mode.
actionStringResult action of the matched rule (score / onHold / reject).

travelRuleInfo attributes

protocolNameEnumThe name of the protocol used during the information exchange.
applicantObjectApplicant information used during the information exchange.
counterpartyObjectCounterparty information used during the information exchange.
statusEnumThe current information exchange state.
expiredAtDateIf the timer is set, the transaction will be re-scored after a certain period of time.
applicantVaspIdObjectIdStores information about the applicant VASP institution.
counterpartyVaspIdObjectIdStores information about the counterparty VASP institution.

protocolName types

snsSumsub protocol.
gtrGlobal Travel Rule Protocol.
trpTravel Rule Protocol.
vbaVASP By Address.
fallbackFallback notification.


counterpartyVaspNotReachableThe data couldn't be sent since the second side of the transaction was not reachable. The response from the counterparty hasn’t been received.
counterpartyVaspNotFoundThe second side of the transaction was not found.
awaitingCounterpartyThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The response from the counterparty is awaited.
onHoldThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The transaction has been interrupted on the second side.
expiredThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. There was no response received from the counterparty on time.
unconfirmedOwnershipThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. Wallet ownership has not been confirmed.
counterpartyUnconfirmedOwnershipThe second side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The negative response on wallet ownership has been received.
counterpartyMismatchedDataThe data has been sent, compared and there is a mismatch between both data sets.
completedTransaction is completed.
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