Import applicant with images by archive

Imports applicant data and images with associated verification results.


Use this method to import the applicant data, images, and associated review results. The archive will be processed, resulting in a new applicant with the approved documents created.

In the request body, a *.zip archive is expected. To be able to process the archive, it must contain:

  • The applicant.json file having an applicant entry with the review results similar to the body of the Import applicants request.
  • Directories containing the images to be uploaded and the applicantIdDoc.json file with the document information (one per directory).



The rate limit for this method: 10 requests per 10 seconds.

The following is an example of the applicant.json file:

  "externalUserId": "someClientUserId",
  "info": {
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Snow",
    "country": "GBR"
  "review": {
    "elapsedSincePendingMs": 100,
    "elapsedSinceQueuedMs": 50,
    "createDate": "2022-11-21 08:25:32+0000",
    "reviewDate": "2022-11-21 08:25:36+0000",
    "levelName": "basic-kyc-level",
    "reviewResult": {
      "moderationComment": "",
      "clientComment": "",
      "reviewAnswer": "GREEN"
    "reviewStatus": "completed"



Object values of idDocType and country must always be present in the applicantIdDoc.json file:

    "idDocType": "PASSPORT",
    "country": "GBR"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!