Add applicant questionnaire


Use this method to add a questionnaire completed by the applicant to their personal profile.

Request example

The following example demonstrates a questionnaire structure that you can use to create a JSON body based on the questionnaire parameters.

In the tables below, you can see the possible questionnaire attributes.



Make sure to always provide a questionnaire id that exists on your client key.

  "id": "Example_Questionnaire",
  "sections": {
    "section_id_1": {  // Section ID
      "items": {
        "item_id_0": {  // Item ID
          "values": [  // Item values
        "item_id_1": {
          "value": "String Value"
    "section_id_2": {
      "items": {
        "item_id_3": {
          "value": null
    "section_id_3": {
      "items": {
        "item_id_4": {
          "value": "856090714",  // Image ID

Questionnaire attributes

The following are the root attributes of each questionnaire:

idStringUnique identifier of the questionnaire. You assign this ID to the questionnaire when creating it.
sectionsObjectIncludes the objects each of those is a separate group of questions added to the questionnaire.

A section object has an ID representing the section given when the questionnaire was created. Each section consists of items (single questions), and has its own score based on the score of the items included.
scoreDoubleWhen setting up a questionnaire, you have the option to set up the risk scoring. It means that you can add a value to each possible answer. When the applicant selects this answer, the assigned value is added to the score. You can set up the score for the following question types: dropdown, checkboxes, multiple choice.

The section score depends on the score values given to the items it contains. Upon completion of the questionnaire, the system sums up the section score values which results in the entire questionnaire score.



Each questionnaire ID attribute should be unique. If you intend to change the questionnaire structure, IDs should not be reused.

sections element fields

The following table describes the sections attributes.

idStringUnique section identifier.
conditionStringCondition that makes a section visible, depending on the value of the specified sectionId.itemId={options.value}.
itemsObjectIncludes the objects each of those stands for a single question added to the questionnaire, and has an ID—item identifier—representing this question.

items element fields

The items object contains internal objects each of those stands for a single question added to the questionnaire, and has the attributes described in the table below.

FieldTypeDescriptionSupported values
idStringUnique item identification number.Any unique item identifier.
conditionStringCondition that makes the item show up.sectionId.itemId={options.value} ( Example: 1-Section.1-2=someValue )
valueStringContains the value that represents an answer to a question.Any string value.
valuesArray of stringsContains the values that represent multiple answers to a question (e.g. for checkboxes).Any string values.
scoreDoubleScore that is an estimation of the sum of all answers in one question.Double value.
dataScoresArray of objectsCompartmentalized information about risk scoring for each answer (for example, a question may have multiple answers to choose from in the checkboxes).Each object includes the following:
  • value — represents the given answer.
  • score — represents the estimation of the answer.

Questionnaire example

  "id": "Example_Questionnaire",
  "sections": {
    "accountDetails": {
      "items": {
        "1-0": {
          "values": [
        "1-1": {
          "value": "Luciano"
        "1-2": {
          "value": "yes"
        "1-3": {
          "value": ""
        "1-4": {
          "value": "merchant"
        "1-5": {
          "value": "yes"
        "1-email": {
          "value": "[email protected]"
    "bankDetails": {
      "items": {
        "2-1": {
          "value": "Test Bank"
        "2-2": {
          "value": "Italy"
        "2-3": {
          "value": "Non-American"
        "2-4": {
          "value": "Naples, Italy"
        "2-5": {
          "value": "F833FK"
        "2-6": {
          "value": "IFKD87FG"
        "2-7": {
          "value": "yes"
        "2-8": {
          "value": null
    "employmentStatus": {
      "items": {
        "countryOfIncome": {
          "value": "ITA"
        "uploadTheDocumentsTo": {
          "value": null
        "whatIsYourCurrentEmp": {
          "value": "self-employed"
    "withInstitution": {
      "items": {
        "3-1": {
          "value": null
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!