Run AML check

Runs a new AML check.


Use this method to run a new AML check.

You can take advantage of this method to recheck the applicant and to continue with the ongoing AML monitoring (provided the ongoing monitoring is enabled in the settings).



You will be charged an additional fee to run AML checks. Contact us to learn more.

Request example

curl -X POST \
     '' \

Response explained

If the request is successfully sent and processed, you will get the following response:

  "ok": 1

If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error.

For example:

  "description": "Request signature mismatch",
  "code": 401,
  "correlationId": "a84e297715e56b57fa9ff9a6cc68d341",
  "errorCode": 4003,
  "errorName": "app-token-signature mismatch"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!