Use this method to get a list of documents required from a particular applicant to pass verification.
To change the set of required documents, use this method.
Request example
curl -X POST \
Response explained
The response is a JSON file that represents the requiredIdDocs
object β configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes a set of required documents and data to provide.
Root variables (requiredIdDocs
attributes)The requiredIdDocs
object represents the configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes a set of required documents and data to provide.
Field | Type | Description |
videoIdent | Boolean | Specifies if the video identification is required (true ) or not required (false ) to pass verification. |
videoIdentUploadTypes | Array of strings | Lists the document types that can be uploaded during a video interview, if such documents are specified in the level settings. The field is available if the video identification is required on the level. |
stepsOutsideVideoId | Array of strings | Lists the verification steps that can be passed outside the video identification. The field is available if the video identification is required on the level. |
docSets | Array of objects | Includes the objects representing specific document sets and their attributes. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields of the docSets
array representing specific document sets and their attributes.
Field | Type | Description |
idDocSetType | String | A human-readable identifier of the document set type, for example, IDENTITY , SELFIE , PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE , and so on.For details, refer to the following table with descriptions of each type. |
fields | Array of objects | Includes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant. Each object contains the following attributes:
types | Array of strings | Includes the types of documents that are required for a particular idDocSetType to pass verification.See the following tables with supported document types for individuals and for companies. |
videoRequired | String | Method of passing the document upload step that can be set up when configuring a verification level.
captureMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
uploaderMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used.
paymentMethods | Array of objects | Describes the configuration details of the payment method added to the level. |
questionnaireDefId | String | Identifier of the questionnaire that is added to the verification level and is to be or has already been filled by the applicant. |
steps | Array of objects | This field is available for company applicants, and includes the documents and data a company along with beneficiaries have to provide to pass verification. |
element fields
element fieldsThe following table explains the element fields available in the steps
array objects.
Field | Type | Description |
name | String | Indicates whose documents and data must be provided to pass the step, the company or its beneficiaries. Available values: company , ubos , shareholders , representatives , directors . |
minDocsCnt | Integer | Minimum number of documents an applicant should provide at the company data step. |
applicantLevelName | String | Name of the verification level an applicant has to pass. |
idDocTypes | String | Type of the corporate document to be provided for verification. |
idDocSubTypes | String | Subtype of the corporate document to be provided for verification. |
fields | Array of objects | Includes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant. Each object contains the following attributes:
customFields | Array of objects | Custom data fields to be filled for verification. |
captureMode | String | This mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
Response examples
If the request is successfully sent and processed, you will get a response like the following.
"videoIdent": true,
"stepsOutsideVideoId": [
"docSets": [
"idDocSetType": "IDENTITY",
"types": [
"idDocSetType": "SELFIE",
"types": [
"videoRequired": "passiveLiveness"
"idDocSetType": "APPLICANT_DATA",
"fields": [
"name": "firstName",
"required": true
"name": "lastName",
"required": true,
"prefill": null
"name": "placeOfBirth",
"required": true
"name": "nationality",
"required": false
"name": "gender",
"required": false
"name": "taxResidenceCountry",
"required": false
"name": "postCode",
"required": false
"idDocSetType": "IDENTITY2",
"types": [
"idDocSetType": "IDENTITY3",
"types": [
"idDocSetType": "IDENTITY4",
"types": [
"idDocSetType": "SELFIE2",
"types": [
"videoRequired": "enabled"
"types": [
"fields": [
"name": "country",
"required": false
"name": "town",
"required": false
"name": "street",
"required": false
"poaStepSettingsId": "64a57ec5ee8c75121acf2c83"
"idDocSetType": "PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE2",
"types": [
"poaStepSettingsId": "64a57ec5ee8c75121acf2c83"
"idDocSetType": "QUESTIONNAIRE",
"questionnaireDefId": "1"
"idDocSetType": "E_KYC"
"docSets": [
"idDocSetType": "COMPANY",
"types": [
"steps": [
"name": "company",
"minDocsCnt": 1,
"applicantLevelName": "Beneficiary_level",
"idDocTypes": [
"idDocSubTypes": [
"fields": [
"name": "companyName",
"required": true
"name": "country",
"required": true
"name": "registrationNumber",
"required": true
"customFields": null,
"captureMode": null
"name": "ubos",
"minDocsCnt": 0,
"applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
"idDocTypes": null,
"idDocSubTypes": null,
"fields": null,
"customFields": null,
"captureMode": null
"name": "shareholders",
"minDocsCnt": 0,
"applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
"idDocTypes": null,
"idDocSubTypes": null,
"fields": null,
"customFields": null,
"captureMode": null
"name": "representatives",
"minDocsCnt": 0,
"applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
"idDocTypes": null,
"idDocSubTypes": null,
"fields": null,
"customFields": null,
"captureMode": null
"name": "directors",
"minDocsCnt": 0,
"applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
"idDocTypes": null,
"idDocSubTypes": null,
"fields": null,
"customFields": null,
"captureMode": null
"idDocSetType": "QUESTIONNAIRE",
"questionnaireDefId": "KYB_1"
If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error. For example:
"description": "HTTP 404 Not Found",
"code": 404,
"correlationId": "f5beafa748d54d4afb1c51b11370481e"