Get required ID documents


Use this method to get a list of documents required from a particular applicant to pass verification.



To change the set of required documents, use this method.

Request example

curl -X POST \

Response explained

The response is a JSON file that represents the requiredIdDocs object β€” configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes a set of required documents and data to provide.

Root variables (requiredIdDocs attributes)

The requiredIdDocs object represents the configuration of steps for the applicant to complete verification. It includes a set of required documents and data to provide.

videoIdentBooleanSpecifies if the video identification is required (true) or not required (false) to pass verification.
videoIdentUploadTypesArray of stringsLists the document types that can be uploaded during a video interview, if such documents are specified in the level settings.

The field is available if the video identification is required on the level.
stepsOutsideVideoIdArray of stringsLists the verification steps that can be passed outside the video identification.

The field is available if the video identification is required on the level.
docSetsArray of objectsIncludes the objects representing specific document sets and their attributes.

docSets element fields

The following table explains the element fields of the docSets array representing specific document sets and their attributes.

idDocSetTypeStringA human-readable identifier of the document set type, for example, IDENTITY, SELFIE, PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE, and so on.

For details, refer to the following table with descriptions of each type.
fieldsArray of objectsIncludes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant.

Each object contains the following attributes:
  • name (String) β€” the field name, for example, firstName, lastName, email, and so on.
  • required (Boolean) β€” true if the field is required for verification, false if not (still, it can be optionally filled in the SDK).
typesArray of stringsIncludes the types of documents that are required for a particular idDocSetType to pass verification.

See the following tables with supported document types for individuals and for companies.
videoRequiredStringMethod of passing the document upload step that can be set up when configuring a verification level.
  • disabled β€” selfie with a document.
  • enabled β€” video selfie with a phrase.
  • photoRequired β€” web camera photo (still face image).
  • passiveLiveness β€” liveness check.
  • docapture β€” enables the camera for the steps with ID documents, so applicants can take pictures of their documents in real time.
captureModeStringThis mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
  • manualAndAuto β€” allows both to automatically capture the photo of a document when the camera is initialized, and for the applicant to hit a button to take a photo.
  • manualOnly β€” allows only manually hitting a button to take a photo.
uploaderModeStringThis mode is applied in case the docapture method is used.
  • always β€” always allows uploading a ready-made photo instead of using a camera.
  • never β€” does not allow uploading a ready-made photo.
  • fallback β€” allows uploading a ready-made photo only if a camera is not available.
paymentMethodsArray of objectsDescribes the configuration details of the payment method added to the level.
questionnaireDefIdStringIdentifier of the questionnaire that is added to the verification level and is to be or has already been filled by the applicant.
stepsArray of objectsThis field is available for company applicants, and includes the documents and data a company along with beneficiaries have to provide to pass verification.

steps element fields

The following table explains the element fields available in the steps array objects.

nameStringIndicates whose documents and data must be provided to pass the step, the company or its beneficiaries. Available values: company, ubos, shareholders, representatives, directors.
minDocsCntIntegerMinimum number of documents an applicant should provide at the company data step.
applicantLevelNameStringName of the verification level an applicant has to pass.
idDocTypesStringType of the corporate document to be provided for verification.
idDocSubTypesStringSubtype of the corporate document to be provided for verification.
fieldsArray of objectsIncludes the objects describing the document data fields that should be filled with personal information to verify the applicant.

Each object contains the following attributes:
  • name (String) β€” the field name, for example, firstName, lastName, email, and so on.
  • required (Boolean) β€” true if the field is required for verification, false if not (still, it can be optionally filled in the SDK).
customFieldsArray of objectsCustom data fields to be filled for verification.
captureModeStringThis mode is applied in case the docapture method is used (see the table row above).
  • manualAndAuto β€” allows both to automatically capture the photo of a document when the camera is initialized, and for the applicant to hit a button to take a photo.
  • manualOnly β€” allows only manually hitting a button to take a photo.

Response examples

If the request is successfully sent and processed, you will get a response like the following.

  "videoIdent": true,
  "stepsOutsideVideoId": [
  "docSets": [
      "idDocSetType": "IDENTITY",
      "types": [
      "idDocSetType": "SELFIE",
      "types": [
      "videoRequired": "passiveLiveness"
      "idDocSetType": "APPLICANT_DATA",
      "fields": [
          "name": "firstName",
          "required": true
          "name": "lastName",
          "required": true,
          "prefill": null
          "name": "placeOfBirth",
          "required": true
          "name": "nationality",
          "required": false
          "name": "gender",
          "required": false
          "name": "taxResidenceCountry",
          "required": false
          "name": "postCode",
          "required": false
      "idDocSetType": "IDENTITY2",
      "types": [
      "idDocSetType": "IDENTITY3",
      "types": [
      "idDocSetType": "IDENTITY4",
      "types": [
      "idDocSetType": "SELFIE2",
      "types": [
      "videoRequired": "enabled"
      "idDocSetType": "PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE",
      "types": [
      "fields": [
          "name": "country",
          "required": false
          "name": "town",
          "required": false
          "name": "street",
          "required": false
      "poaStepSettingsId": "64a57ec5ee8c75121acf2c83"
      "idDocSetType": "PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE2",
      "types": [
      "poaStepSettingsId": "64a57ec5ee8c75121acf2c83"
      "idDocSetType": "QUESTIONNAIRE",
      "questionnaireDefId": "1"
      "idDocSetType": "PHONE_VERIFICATION"
      "idDocSetType": "EMAIL_VERIFICATION"
      "idDocSetType": "E_KYC"
  "docSets": [
      "idDocSetType": "COMPANY",
      "types": [
      "steps": [
          "name": "company",
          "minDocsCnt": 1,
          "applicantLevelName": "Beneficiary_level",
          "idDocTypes": [
          "idDocSubTypes": [
          "fields": [
              "name": "companyName",
              "required": true
              "name": "country",
              "required": true
              "name": "registrationNumber",
              "required": true
          "customFields": null,
          "captureMode": null
          "name": "ubos",
          "minDocsCnt": 0,
          "applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
          "idDocTypes": null,
          "idDocSubTypes": null,
          "fields": null,
          "customFields": null,
          "captureMode": null
          "name": "shareholders",
          "minDocsCnt": 0,
          "applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
          "idDocTypes": null,
          "idDocSubTypes": null,
          "fields": null,
          "customFields": null,
          "captureMode": null
          "name": "representatives",
          "minDocsCnt": 0,
          "applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
          "idDocTypes": null,
          "idDocSubTypes": null,
          "fields": null,
          "customFields": null,
          "captureMode": null
          "name": "directors",
          "minDocsCnt": 0,
          "applicantLevelName": "basic-kyc-level",
          "idDocTypes": null,
          "idDocSubTypes": null,
          "fields": null,
          "customFields": null,
          "captureMode": null
      "idDocSetType": "QUESTIONNAIRE",
      "questionnaireDefId": "KYB_1"
      "idDocSetType": "EMAIL_VERIFICATION"
      "idDocSetType": "PHONE_VERIFICATION"

If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error. For example:

  "description": "HTTP 404 Not Found",
  "code": 404,
  "correlationId": "f5beafa748d54d4afb1c51b11370481e"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!