Expression attributes

Extend your transaction monitoring rules with expression attributes.

Expression attributes help you build complex rule conditions based on the received applicant data.

For example, you can create a rule that compares the applicant country extracted from the ID document with the country provided by the applicant or the country of the specified payment method, and so on.

Root variables

txnObjectDerived data of the current transaction for which the entire related context is created. This data includes the previous score of the transaction, review result, tags assigned, and so on.
dataObjectTransaction-related data submitted to Sumsub by the user. This data includes such details as transaction identifier, date and time when the transaction was initiated on the user side, financial information, transaction participants, and so on.
aggregateObjectAggregated information about transactions based on certain criteria.
applicantObjectApplicant data of the current transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is taken from the existing applicant profile and not related to a specific transaction.
applicantActionObjectAllows to build logic upon applicant action check results.
poiObjectApplicant's proof of identity.
poaObjectAn applicant's proof of address.
questionnairesMapThe Questionnaire item values are nested by questionnaire, section, and item id. E.g. questionnaire["myQuestionnaireId"]["mySectionId"]["myItemId"].
propsMap of StringsA map of custom properties that are not supported by the API data model (e.g. dailyOutLimit) and could be reused in rule conditions, for example, to compare the transaction amount ( to the props["dailyOutLimit"].
preScoringContextObjectPrescoring context that helps to enrich the information about a transaction.
clientListsMapClient lists based on key values.
currentScoreIntegerCurrent score calculated in the rule matching process.
currentRuleObjectCurrent rule to be processed and calculated.
settingsObjectSettings related to KYT.


The txn object includes the derived data of the current transaction for which the entire related context is created. This data includes the previous score of the transaction, review result, tags assigned, and so on.

externalUserIdStringUnique user ID on the client side.
clientIdStringYour identifier as our client in the Sumsub system.
scoreIntegerTransaction score.
reviewObjectTransaction review.
createdAtDateDate and time (UTC) when a transaction was created in the Sumsub system.
scoringResultObjectOverall scoring result.
tagsList of StringsTransaction tags.
indIntegerThe Index of the current transaction is calculated in relation to the scoring transaction, which has an index value of 0. This field is used to configure a projection with a specific number of transactions. E.g. projection with last ten transactions.
travelRuleInfoObjectTravel rule information exchange data.


The data object is a transaction-related data submitted to Sumsub by the user. This data includes such details as transaction identifier, date and time when the transaction was initiated on the user side, financial information, transaction participants, and so on.

txnIdStringTransaction ID
txnDateDateThe date and time (UTC) when a transaction was initiated on the client side (format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss+XXXX , e.g. 2022-10-25 22:30:02+0000 ).
txnLocalDateLocalDateTimeCalculated value of the transaction creation date and time on the client side if the transaction timezone is provided.
applicantObjectIncludes the data of the financial transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction and may differ from the relevant applicant profile.
counterpartyObjectIncludes the data related to the other party that participates in the financial transaction. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction.
infoObjectTransaction-related financial information.
propsMap of stringsA map of custom properties that are not supported by the API data model (e.g. dailyOutLimit) and could be reused in rule conditions, for example, to compare the transaction amount ( to the props["dailyOutLimit"].
gamblingBetInfoObjectThe data related to the gambling bet type transaction made by an applicant. It includes such information as a bet type, transaction amount, transaction currency code, and so on.
gamblingLimitChangeInfoObjectExplains changes in gambling limits for the applicant. For example, the amount of the total loss, gambling activity period, and so on.
gamblingBonusChangeInfoObjectExplains changes in a gambling bonus given to the applicant.
sourceKeyStringSource key assigned to the transaction.


txnsMap of ObjectsThe transactions-related data aggregated and mapped by certain criteria (e.g. in , out, all, rejected, same beneficiary , etc.).
currencyCodesList of StringsUnique currency codes (USD, GBP, BTC, etc.) of all non-rejected transactions.


The data.applicant object includes the data of the financial transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction and may differ from the relevant applicant profile.

externalUserIdStringUnique user ID on the client side.
fullNameStringFull name.
addressObjectActual address (if provided).
typeEnumApplicant entity type: individual or company.
paymentMethodObjectPayment method used by an applicant.
paymentMethodExtractedInfoObjectPayment method information extracted from available data.
deviceObjectDevice used by a counterparty to complete a transaction.
institutionInfoObjectInformation regarding the financial institution through which an applicant made a transaction.
institutionExtractedInfoObjectFinancial institution information extracted from available data. Stands for BIC country.


The data.counterparty object includes the data related to the other party that participates in the financial transaction. This data is submitted to Sumsub within the transaction.

externalUserIdStringUnique user ID on the client side.
fullNameStringFull name.
addressObjectActual address (if provided).
typeEnumCounterparty entity type: individual or company.
paymentMethodObjectPayment method used by a counterparty.
paymentMethodExtractedInfoObjectPayment method information extracted from available data.
deviceObjectDevice used by a counterparty to complete a transaction.
institutionInfoObjectInformation regarding the financial institution through which a counterparty made a transaction.
institutionExtractedInfoObjectFinancial institution information extracted from available data. Stands for BIC country.


The applicant object includes the applicant data of the current transaction participant registered in the Sumsub system as an applicant. This data is taken from the existing applicant profile and not related to a specific transaction.

idStringApplicant ID.
createdAtObjectThis field helps to build rules based on the applicant profiles' creation date. For example, to find the applicants with profiles created in past 90 days, and whose declared incoming or outgoing turnover has been exceeded.
fullNameStringFull name.
countryStringApplicant country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
infoObjectInformation extracted from an applicant's documents.
fixedInfoObjectBasic information on an applicant provided to the Sumsub SDK/API.
reviewObjectApplicant review.
sourceKeyStringSource key of an applicant.
derivativesObjectVarious information derived from an applicant.
metadataMap of StringsApplicant's metadata.
riskLabelsObjectApplicant risk labels.
TagsList of StringsApplicant tags.
assessmentObjectApplicant assessment.
emailStringApplicant's email.
emailDomainStringApplicant email's domain name.
phoneObjectIncludes the details of the applicant's phone number.


indIntegerIndex of the added payment source action (excluding duplicates), e.g., the first added payment method has index 1, the second — 2 , etc.

The field has a value for paymentMethodSummary section only.
questionnairesMapThe Questionnaire item values are nested by questionnaire, section, and item id. E.g. questionnaire["myQuestionnaireId"]["mySectionId"]["myItemId"].
reviewObjectAction review results.


timestampLongUnix timestamp in milliseconds.
yyyymmddIntegerNumeric day in the YYYYMMDD format, e.g. {@literal 20230123}.
monthIntegerMonth of the year (starts from 1).
dayOfMonthIntegerDay of the month (starts from 1).
ageInYearsIntegerTime delta in years between this date and now.
ageInDaysIntegerTime delta in days between this date and now.


countryStringID Document country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
idDocTypeIdDocTypeID Document type.
numberStringID Document number.
additionalnumberStringID Document additional number.
dobDateDate of birth of a document's owner.
nationalityStringNationality of a document's owner.
placeOfBirthStringPlace of birth of a document's owner.
issuedDateDateDate of a document's issue.
issueAuthorityStringAuthority that issued an ID document.
issueAuthorityCodeStringUnique code of the authority that issued an ID document.
validUntilDateValidity date of an ID document.
firtsIssuedDateDateDate of a document's first issue.
metadataMap of StringsMetadata related to a Proof of Identity.
addressObjectAddress specified in an ID document.
nfcObjectNFC information on an ID document.


countryStringID Document country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
idDocTypeIdDocTypeID Document type.
numberStringID Document number.
metadataMap of StringsMetadata related to a Proof of Address.
addressObjectAddress specified in an ID document.


cryptoTxnInfoObjectCryptotransaction-related information.
amlCaseReviewObjectAML case review result.
paymentDetailsReviewObjectPayment details review result.


nameStringCurrent short name of the rule.
idStringCurrent ID of the rule.
revisionIntegerCurrent version of the rule's revision.
titleStringCurrent full title of the rule.
scoreIntegerScore that can be assigned to a transaction by the current rule.
dryRunBooleanValue determining whether a rule should be applied in the Test mode.
tagsList of StringsTags that can be assigned to a transaction by the current rule if it is applied.
sourceKeysList of StringsRule is only applied if the transaction has one of the listed source keys.


createKycTransactionsBooleanA value determining whether a transaction is created when running the identity verification.
onHoldThresholdIntegerThreshold value of the transaction score above which the transaction is put on hold.
rejectThresholdIntegerThreshold value of the transaction score above which the transaction is rejected.
defaultCurrencyCodeStringDefault currency code.
travelRuleSettingsObjectTtravel rule settings.


attemptCntIntegerNumber of the current check attempt on the same verification level.
buttonIdsArray of stringsList of button IDs that have been used for rejection.

A specific buttonId is automatically assigned to each rejection. For more details, see Temporary rejection and Final rejection clarification.
levelNameStringApplicant verification level.
decisionObjectReview decision.
reviewAnswerObjectReview answer.
rejectLabelsList of ObjectsList of rejection labels.


suspiciousPaymentDetailsBooleanDetects if there are risky words used in the transaction. True or False.


scoreIntegerThe calculated score of a transaction.
dryScoreIntegerThe calculated Test score of the transaction which would be assigned by the rules applied in the Test mode.
matchedRulesList of ObjectsAll rules matched during the scoring session.
failedRulesList of ObjectAll rules that failed during the scoring session.
ruleCntIntegerTotal number of the rules counted for a transaction.
dryRunRuleCntIntegerTotal number of the rules in Test mode counted for a transaction.


protocolNameEnumThe name of the protocol used during the information exchange.
applicantObjectApplicant information used during the information exchange.
counterpartyObjectCounterparty information used during the information exchange.
statusEnumThe current information exchange state.
expiredAtDateIf the timer is set, the transaction will be re-scored after a certain period of time.
applicantVaspIdObjectIdStores information about the counterparty VASP institution.
counterpartyVaspIdObjectIdStores information about the counterparty VASP institution.


snsSumsub protocol.
gtrGlobal Travel Rule Protocol.
trpTravel Rule Protocol.
vbaVASP By Address.
fallbackFallback notification.


counterpartyVaspNotReachableData couldn't be sent since the second side of the transaction was not reachable. The response from the counterparty hasn’t been received.
counterpartyVaspNotFoundSecond side of the transaction was not found.
awaitingCounterpartySecond side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The response from the counterparty is awaited.
onHoldSecond side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The transaction has been interrupted on the second side.
expiredSecond side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. There was no response received from the counterparty on time.
unconfirmedOwnershipSecond side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. Wallet ownership has not been confirmed.
counterpartyUnconfirmedOwnershipSecond side of the transaction was found and the data was sent. The negative response on wallet ownership has been received.
counterpartyMismatchedDataData has been sent, compared and there is a mismatch between both data sets.
completedTransaction is completed.
cancelledCounterparty was identified, and the data was sent. However, the counterparty decided to decline the transaction, be it by the rules or manually, and not to proceed with it.
finishedBlockchain transaction ID has been updated in the completed transaction record. This status always follows the completed status.

fingerprintStringTransaction fingerprint.
typeStringThe type of transaction: card, account, crypto.
directionStringThe out (applicant sends to counterparty) or in (counterparty sends to applicant) direction.
amountDoubleThe amount of funds sent within transaction (in a currency used by an applicant). The round transaction amounts are detected: 10, 5000, 100000, and so on. For example, to detect transactions with 000 before the decimal point, use the following expression: " % 1000 equals 0".
currencyCodeStringCode of the currency in which the transaction was made.
amountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleTransaction amount in the default currency.
defaultCurrencyCodeStringCode of the default currency.
paymentDetailsStringComment with the details of payment.


The gamblingBetInfo object includes the data related to the gambling bet type transaction made by an applicant.

amountDoubleThe amount of funds used in the bet in a currency used by an applicant.
currencyCodeStringCode of the currency in which the transaction was made (USD, BTC, and so on).
amountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleTransaction amount in the default currency.
defaultCurrencyCodeStringCode of the default currency.
statusStringCurrent state of a bet (pending, completed, or any other configured in your system).
resolutionDateDateDate on which the bet must actually be played. For example, a bet on horse racing that takes place on the specified date.
resultAmountDoubleAmount of funds won or lost as a result of the bet.
resultAmountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleAmount of the bet result in the default currency set on your side.
diffAmountDoubleDifference between the actual bet amount and resultAmount. For example, you bet 100, you win 150 which is the result amount, so diffAmount is 50.
resultDiffAmountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleDifference between the actual bet amount and resultAmount in the default currency set on your side.
betTypeStringType of betting by game areas, as they are sorted out on your side. For example, sports, casino, and so on.
gameTypeStringMore specific area, a subtype of betType. For example, football, dice_bet, and so on.
bonusIdStringUnique identifier of the bonus given to the user, if any.


The gamblingLimitChangeInfo object includes the data that explains changes in gambling limits for the applicant.

  • deposit — allows players to set a maximum amount of money they can deposit into their account over a specified time period.
  • loss — allows players to set a maximum amount of money they can lose while playing games over a specified time period.
  • wager — allows players to set a maximum amount of money they can bet on a single game or during a specified time period.
  • sessionTime — allows players to set a maximum amount of time they can spend playing games during a single session.
  • selfExclusion — allows players to voluntarily exclude themselves from playing games for a specified time or permanently.
revertedBooleanSets true if a previously assigned limit is reverted.
amountDoubleLimit size value if the limit type is deposit, loss, or wager.
currencyCodeStringCode of the currency in which the transaction was made (USD, BTC, and so on). Specified if the limit type is deposit, loss, or wager.
periodEnumValidity period of the established limit: daily, weekly, monthly.
amountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleLimit size value in the default currency set on your side. Specified if the limit type is deposit, loss, or wager.
resolutionDateDateDate on which the specified limit expires.
sessionLimitInMinsIntegerUser session duration limit in minutes.


The gamblingBonusChangeInfo object includes the data that explains changes in a gambling bonus for the applicant.

bonusIdStringUnique identifier of the bonus given to a user.
amountDoubleAmount of bonus given to a user.
maxBonusAmountDoubleMaximum bonus amount a user can get if all conditions of the party issuing the bonus are met.
maxBetAmountDoubleMaximum bet a user can make to get the bonus.
wagerRequirementDoubleTtotal amount of bets a user must make to get the bonus.
  • activated — the bonus is active and bonus funds appear on a player's balance. Wager requirements are active.
  • canceled — the player refused to receive the bonus. While the bonus is canceled all bonus funds will be nulled.
  • expired — each bonus has two different dates. The first one is the time to activate, the second is the time to wager. Example: time to activate — 3 days since the bonus is issued, time to wager — 7 days since the bonus is issued. While any of these time frames are passed, the bonus changes its status to expired. All bonus funds will be nulled.
  • lost — the bonus has been lost. The player lost his balance (real + bonus).
  • finished — the player has fulfilled the wager requirements, and the bonus has turned to personal funds on the balance.
currencyCodeStringCode of the bonus currency (USD, BTC, and so on).


minutes1ObjectOne minute from the moment a transaction is made.
minutes3ObjectThree minutes from the moment a transaction is made.
hours1ObjectOne hour from the moment a transaction is made.
hours3ObjectThree hour from the moment a transaction is made.
days1ObjectOne day from the moment a transaction is made.
days2ObjectTwo days from the moment a transaction is made.
days3ObjectThree days from the moment a transaction is made.
day7ObjectSeven days from the moment a transaction is made.
days14ObjectFourteen days from the moment a transaction is made.
days30ObjectThirty days from the moment a transaction is made.
days90ObjectNinety days from the moment a transaction is made.
months1ObjectOne month from the moment a transaction is made.
months3ObjectThree months from the moment a transaction is made.
months12ObjectTwelve months from the moment a transaction is made.
currentCalendarMonthObjectCurrent calendar month related to the date when a transaction is made.
previousCalendarMonthObjectPrevious calendar month related to the date when a transaction is made.
allTimeObjectOverall period of time from the date when a transaction is made.


minutes1ObjectOne minute from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
minutes3ObjectThree minutes from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
hours1ObjectOne hour from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
hours3ObjectThree hour from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days1ObjectOne day from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days2ObjectTwo days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days3ObjectThree days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
day7ObjectSeven days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days14ObjectFourteen days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days30ObjectThirty days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
days90ObjectNinety days from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
months1ObjectOne month from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
months3ObjectThree months from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
months12ObjectTwelve months from the moment a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
currentCalendarMonthObjectCurrent calendar month related to the date when a transaction is made by a certain IP address.
previousCalendarMonthObjectPrevious calendar month related to the date when a transaction is made by a certain IP address.


countryStringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
formattedAddressStringAddress in an human-readable format.
stateStringName of the state or region if applicable.
townStringTown if applicable.
streetStringStreet if applicable.
subStreetStringStreet (line 2) if applicable.
postCodeStringPost code if applicable.


individualAn individual applicant.
companyA company applicant.


typeStringThe type of a payment method: a card, account, crypto.
fingerprintStringRepresentation of the account ID: an account number, wallet address number, etc. The value can be hashed to hide the real value.
memoStringOptional field in blockchain transactions to attach metadata or messages for identification, routing, or compliance purposes.


ipInfoObjectThe data about used IP address.
userAgentStringDevice user-agent.
sessionIdStringID of the transaction session.
sessionAgeMsLongSession lifetime in milliseconds.
acceptLangStringLanguage of the browser used by a transaction participant, e.g. en.
platformStringDevice platform, e.g. Mobile Android.
coordsObjectGeographical coordinates.
addressObjectAddress related to a device.
fingerprintStringDevice fingerprint.

institutionInfo, institutionExtractedInfo

The following table explains the attributes of the institutionInfo and institutionExtractedInfo objects:

  • institutionInfo — Information regarding the financial institution through which a participant made a transaction.
  • institutionExtractedInfo — Financial institution information extracted from available data.

For example, Sumsub can fill in the country code by the IBAN extracted from the applicant payment method, or by BIC from institutionInfo.

codeStringTransaction institution code, e.g. BIC.
nameStringTransaction institution name.
addressObjectTransaction institution address.
vaspObjectDirectory information about VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider).


The following table explains the VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider) directory information.

countriesStringThe list of all the registration countries for legal entities of the VASP.
regulationTypeEnumRepresents the type of regulation (authorized / temporaryExemption / unauthorized) for VASP (Virtual Asset Service Provider).
  • initiated — the VASP has just been added and is yet to complete any checks.
  • essentialChecksDone — the VASP for which Sumsub has only the information from blockchain analytics.
  • extendedEssentialChecksDone — Extended Essential Checks (EEC) have been passed.
  • rejected — the VASP is rejected due to a number of reasons.
  • notStarted — the Due Diligence process has not been yet begun.
  • inProgress — the Due Diligence process is underway.
  • completed — the VASP has passed Due Diligence.
  • rejected — the VASP is rejected due to a number of reasons.
Note that a VASP with Due Diligence completed will have either essentialChecksDone or extendedEssentialChecksDone status as well.
  • GREEN — if the VASP type is exchange_licensed
  • YELLOW — if the VASP type is exchange_unlicensed, payment, other, atm, p2p_exchange_unlicensed, marketplace, liquidity_pools, transparent, gambling.
  • ERROR — no data received from the provider.
  • RED — otherwise.
emailExistsBooleanThere is an email address on the VASP profile.
urlExistsBooleanThere is a website address on the VASP profile.
scoreDoubleThere is a score on the VASP profile based on EEC (Extended Essential Checks)., applicant.fixedInfo

The following table explains the attributes of the and applicant.fixedInfo objects:

  • applicant.fixedInfo — Contains information submitted by the applicant via Web or MobileSDK or by you via this API method. This data is used to compare with the data we extract from the applicant documents.
  • — Contains information recognized and extracted from the applicant documents by Sumsub.
countryStringApplicant country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
firstnameStringFirst name.
firstnameEnStringTransliterated first name.
middleNameStringMiddle name.
lastNameStringLast name.
lastnameEnStringTransliterated last name.
genderStringApplicant gender (M or F).
nationalityStringNationality (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
taxResidenceCountryStringTax Residence Country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
ageStringApplicant age.
addressStringApplicant address.
phoneObjectIncludes the details of the applicant phone number.
companyInfoObjectCompany information (KYB)., applicant.fixedInfo.companyInfo

The following table explains the companyInfo attributes.

countryStringAlpha-3 code of the country where the company is legally registered (for example, DEU, GBR, and so on).
typeStringType of legal entity. For example, private company limited by shares, public limited company, state-owned enterprise, and so on.
companyNameStringThe name of the company.
registrationNumberStringUnique number that is assigned to the company when it was registered as a legal entity.
addressObjectCompany address details.
legalAddressStringAddress a legal entity uses to register with a legal authority.
postalAddressStringCompany postal address.
registrationLocationStringCity, town, or another location where the company was registered.
incorporatedOnStringDate of company incorporation (format YYYY-mm-dd, e.g. 2001-09-25).
emailStringCompany email address.
phoneStringCompany phone number.
taxIdStringTaxpayer registration number/Code of taxpayer registration.
websiteStringWebsite URL of the company.
noUBOsBooleanWhen set to true, a company is to be be verified with no UBOs specified in the company profile. For example, in case when another legal entity that cannot be a UBO owns this company.
noShareholdersBooleanWhen set to true, a company is to be be verified with no shareholders specified in the company profile. For example, in case when the verification level settings require a company to have three shareholders but the company has just one.,,

The following table explains the details of the applicant phone number.

countryStringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
numberStringApplicant's phone number.
In a rule, it is important to add only digits without any extra symbols. For example, either 0035736208235 or 35736208235, or just 36208235.


estimatedAgeIntegerAn applicant's estimated age.


emailList of ObjectsEmail risk labels.
phoneList of ObjectsPhone risk labels.
deviceList of ObjectsDevice risk labels.
crossCheckList of ObjectsCross-check risk labels.
selfieList of ObjectsSelfie risk labels.
amlList of ObjectsAML risk labels.
personList of ObjectsPerson risk labels.
companyList of ObjectsCompany risk labels.


scoresMap of ObjectsTotal score that is calculated from the applied Rules and assigned to the applicant, primarily to set thresholds based on the applicant score.


timestampLongUnix timestamp in milliseconds.
yyyymmddintnumeric day in the YYYYMMDD format, e.g. 20230123.
monthintMonths of the year (start from 1).
dayOfMonthintDay of the month (start from 1).
ageInYearsintTime delta in years between this date and now.
ageInDaysintTime delta in days between this date and now.


fullMrzStringFull MRZ.


.answerStringTransaction risk severity according to Chainalysis.
riskScoreDoubleTransaction risk score.
signalsObjectA set of the entity types the transaction may belong to. For example, Darknet Service , Gambling , Online Marketplace , etc.


riskScoreDoubleTransaction risk score.
redStringHigh and severe risk.
yellowStringMedium risk.
greenStringLow risk.
["alert name"]StringThis is the alert name triggered, for example, terrorist financing, sanctioned entities, and so on.


exposuresStringName of the cluster the transaction is related to. E.g. Direct, Indirect.
riskLevelDoubleIndicates the risk level of the address. GREEN, YELLOW, RED, UNKNOWN.
triggersDoubleCategory that is responsible for the alert being generated.
categoryStringClassification of the cluster the address belongs to. E.g. exchange.
nameStringName of the entity itself e.g. ChangeNOW.

preScoringContext.cryptoTxnInfo.chainalysis.alerts["alert name"]

alertsLevelStringThe level of severity classification that can be Red, Yellow, Green.
serviceStringName of the cluster the transaction is related to. For example, Binance, Duelbits.
categoryStringThis is the alert category. For exampler, Gambling, Exchange, Sanctioned Entity.
alertAmountUsdDoubleAlert amount in USD terms.
alertAmountInDefaultCurrencyDoubleAmount in the user's default currency settings.
exposureTypeStringThis can be either Direct, or Indirect.


confirmationTimeoutInSecsIntegerTimeout in seconds before the transaction gets the approved status.


approvedAn item (transaction, applicant, amlcase) was approved.
rejectedAn item (transaction, applicant, amlcase) was rejected.

reviewAnswer, answer

IGNOREDA check was skipped.
GREENSuccessful result of the verification and/or check.
YELLOWThere are some warnings regarding the verification and/or check.
REDThe violations were found.
ERRORAn error occured.


FORGERYA forgery attempt was recognized.
CRIMINALApplicant is involved in the illegal actions.
DOCUMENT_TEMPLATEThe submitted documents are templates downloaded from the internet.
DIGITAL_DOCUMENTThe applicant uploaded a digital version of the document.
LOW_QUALITYDocuments have low-quality that doesn't allow definitive decisions to be made.
SPAMApplicant was created by mistake or is just a spam user (irrelevant images were supplied).
NOT_DOCUMENTSubmitted documents aren't relevant for the verification procedure.
SELFIE_MISMATCHApplicant's photo (profile image) doesn't match a photo on the provided documents.
ID_INVALIDA document that identifies a person (like a passport or an ID card) is not valid.
DOCUMENT_DEPRIVEDApplicant has been deprived of the document.
FOREIGNERA rejection label associated with the applicants from an unsupported country or e.g. without a residence permit.
DUPLICATEApplicant has multiple accounts while duplicates aren't allowed by the regulations.
BAD_AVATARApplicant's avatar doesn't meet the client's requirements.
WRONG_USER_REGIONApplicant from a region/country which is not allowed to be registered.
INCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTSome information is missing from the document, or it's partially visible.
BLACKLISTUser is blocklisted by Sumsub.
BLOCKLISTUser is blocklisted by a client.
WRONG_ADDRESSAddress from the applicant's documents doesn't match the address entered by them manually.
OTHERThere is some unclassified reason of rejection.
UNSATISFACTORY_PHOTOSThere were problems with the photos during verification, like poor quality or masked information.
GRAPHIC_EDITORThe document has been edited by a graphical editor.
DOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGSome pages of a document are missing (if applicable).
DOCUMENT_DAMAGEDDocument is damaged.
REGULATIONS_VIOLATIONSSome violations of the regulations were found.
INCONSISTENT_PROFILEData or documents of different persons were uploaded to one applicant.
PROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAApplicant data doesn't match the data in their documents.
ADDITIONAL_DOCUMENT_REQUIREDAdditional documents are required to pass the check.
AGE_REQUIREMENT_MISMATCHThe Age requirement is not met (e.g. can't rent a car to a person below 25yo).
REQUESTED_DATA_MISMATCHProvided information doesn't match with the data recognized from a document.
EXPERIENCE_REQUIREMENT_MISMATCHApplicant doesn't have enough experience (e.g. driving experience is not enough).
COMPROMISED_PERSONSApplicant doesn't correspond to Compromised Person Politics.
PEPApplicant belongs to the PEP category.
ADVERSE_MEDIAApplicant was found in the adverse media.
FRAUDULENT_PATTERNSThere was fraudulent behavior detected during the verification.
SANCTIONSApplicant was found on the sanction lists.
NOT_ALL_CHECKS_COMPLETEDNot all of the checks were completed.
FRONT_SIDE_MISSINGFront side of the document is missing.
BACK_SIDE_MISSINGBack side of the document is missing.
SCREENSHOTSApplicant uploaded screenshots.
BLACK_AND_WHITEApplicant uploaded black and white photos of their documents.
INCOMPATIBLE_LANGUAGEDocument's translation is required.
EXPIRATION_DATEApplicant uploaded an expired document.
UNFILLED_IDApplicant uploaded the document without signatures and stamps.
BAD_SELFIEApplicant uploaded a selfie in poor quality.
BAD_VIDEO_SELFIEApplicant uploaded a video selfie in poor quality.
BAD_FACE_MATCHINGFace check between a document and a selfie was failed.
BAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYApplicant uploaded a poor quality ID document.
BAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSApplicant uploaded a poor quality proof of address.
BAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTApplicant uploaded a poor quality proof of payment.
SELFIE_WITH_PAYMENTSpecial selfie is required (e.g. selfie with a piece of paper and date on it).
FRAUDULENT_LIVENESSThere was an attempt to bypass liveness check.
OKCustom reject label.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_STRUCTUREThe entity's control structure wasn't defined.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_BENEFICIARIESThe entity's beneficial owners weren't identified and duly verified.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_BENEFICIARIESThe entity's beneficial owners weren't validated.
COMPANY_NOT_DEFINED_REPRESENTATIVESThe entity's representatives weren't defined.
COMPANY_NOT_VALIDATED_REPRESENTATIVESThe entity's representatives weren't validated.
APPLICANT_INTERRUPTED_INTERVIEWApplicant refused to finish the interview during the Video Ident call.
DOCUMENT_MISSINGApplicant refused to show or didn't have required documents during the Video Ident call.
UNSUITABLE_ENVApplicant is either not alone or nor visible during the Video Ident call.
CONNACTION_INTERRUPTEDVideo Ident call connection was interrupted.


cntintQuantity of the aggregated transactions.
matchedRulesObjectAll unique rules matched in this interval.
amountsObjectNumerical fields counted in this interval.
currencyCodesObjectUnique codes (USD, GBP, BTC, etc.) of the currencies used for this interval.
deviceFingerprintsObjectDevice fingerprints involved within this interval.
ipCountriesObjectIP addresses of the countries involved within this interval.


cntintQuantity of the aggregated transactions.
externalUserIdsObjectUser IDs aggregated on the client side.


ipStringIP address.
countryCode2StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
countryCode3StringCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
cityStringCity the IP address belongs to.
zipCodeStringZIP code.
latDoubleReturns a Double value representing the latitude of the position in decimal degrees.
lonDoubleReturns a Double value representing the longitude of the position in decimal degrees.
asnIntegerAutonomous System Number.
asnOrgStringASN organisation.
riskyAsnBooleanA value determining whether ASN is risky or not.


latDoubleReturns a Double value representing the latitude of the position in decimal degrees.
lonDoubleReturns a Double value representing the longitude of the position in decimal degrees.
accuracyDoubleReturns a Double value representing the accuracy of the latitude and longitude properties, expressed in meters.

mediumRiskMedium-risk email address.
highRiskHigh-risk email address.
disposableTemporary email address which is provided by a disposable email service and usually expires in a few minutes.
noWebRegistrationsEmail registration was not detected.
noWebsiteExistsEmail domain does not exist.
nonDeliverableMessages fail to be delivered to this email address.
invalidEmailEmail address is invalid.

mediumRiskMedium-risk phone number.
highRiskHigh-risk phone number.
virtualVirtual phone number that allows a user to make calls through the internet and is not associated with a physical location.
disposableTemporary phone number.
noWebRegistrationsPhone number registration wasn't detected.


vpnUsageDetects whether VPN connection is used.
torUsageDetects whether TOR connection is used.
highRiskIpIndicates high risk IP addresses.
multipleDevicesInforms about using multiple devices.
multipleMobileDevicesInforms about using multiple mobile devices.
lengthySessionSession lasts too long.
failedSessionContinuationSession was interrupted.
distantIpLocationsLogin from different and distant IP addresses (> 100 km).


diverseIdDocCountriesID documents issued in different countries.
manyAccountDuplicatesLots of the account duplicates are created.
accountsInManyServicesThe same account is registered in different services.
addressCountryVsIpCountryMismatchPhysical address in the country mismatches the country IP address.
idDocCountryVsIpCountryMismatchID document country mismatches the country IP address.
exifCountryVsIdDocCountryOrIpCountryMismatchThe country detected by EXIF mismatches either the document country or the country IP address.


asleepPerson in the selfie is asleep.
forcedPerson is coerced into verification.
multipleFacesMultiple faces are present.
estimatedAgeMismatchEstimated age mismatches the age in the documents.
virtualCameraPresentVirtual (software-based) camera that simulates a physical camera is detected.
manyAttemptsThere are numerous attempts of passing the selfie check.
sameFaceWithDifferentDataThere is the same face on the documents with different data.


pepApplicant belongs to the PEP (Politically Exposed Person) category.
sanctionsApplicant was found in sanctions lists.
terrorismApplicant is suspected of terrorism.
crimeApplicant is suspected of criminal activity.
adverseMediaCompromising published information related to the applicant was found in the media.
fitnessProbityApplicant does not comply with Fitness and Probity regime.


famousPersonApplicant is supposedly a famous person.
strangeNameApplicant has a strange name that does not seem to be a real one.
noPhoneNamesFromWebServicesNo phone names are found in web services.
phoneNameMismatchFromWebServicesThere is a name mismatch with the names associated with the phone number.
noEmailNamesFromWebServicesNo emails are found in web services.
emailNameMismatchFromWebServicesThere is a name mismatch with the names associated with the email address.

companyAdditionalDataNotFoundCompany data wast not found in the database.
companyDataMismatchCompany data does not match the data in the database.


resultObjectScore without a source key.
sourceKeysMap of ObjectsScores by a source key.


atmDoubleCryptocurrency ATM operator.
childExploitationDoubleOrganization which operates via darknets and is suspected of child abuse and exploitation.
dark_marketDoubleOnline marketplace which operates via darknets and is used for trading illegal products for cryptocurrency.
dark_serviceDoubleOrganization which operates via darknets and offers illegal services for cryptocurrency.
enforcementActionDoubleThe entity is subject to legal proceedings. Jurisdiction will be annotated as a subtype.
exchangeFraudulentDoubleExchange that was involved in illegal activity.
exchangeLicensedDoubleOrganization that is licensed to provide exchange services.
exchangeUnlicensedDoubleOrganization that is not licensed to provide exchange services.
gamblingDoubleOnline resource offering gambling services using cryptocurrency.
illegalServiceDoubleResource offering illegal services or engaged in illegal activities.
liquidityPoolsDoubleThe smart contracts where tokens are locked for the purpose of providing liquidity.
marketplaceDoubleEntity offering legal services/trading goods for cryptocurrency.
minerDoubleOrganization which utilizes its computing power for mining cryptocurrency blocks.
mixerDoubleService for mixing funds from different sources to make tracing them back harder or almost impossible. It is mostly used for money laundering.
p2pExchangeLicensedDoubleOrganization that is licensed to provide P2P exchange services.
p2pExchangeUnlicensedDoubleOrganization that is not licensed to provide P2P exchange services.
paymentDoubleService which acts as an intermediary between customers and the company which provides services for making a payment.
ransomDoubleThe extortioners demanding payment in the form of cryptocurrency
sanctionsDoubleOrganization that is found in sanctions lists.
scamDoubleEntities that have scammed their customers and taken possession of their cryptocurrency.
seizedAssetsDoubleIn the crypto seized by the government, the default Risk Score is 0%.
stolenCoinsDoubleEntities which have taken possession of someone else’s cryptocurrency by hacking.
terrorismFinancingDoubleOrganization which operates via darknets and involved in terrorism financing with cryptocurrency.
trustedExchangeDoubleExchange that is reliable and can be trusted.
walletDoubleService for storage and making payments with cryptocurrency.
otherDoubleNone of the specified entities above. It may include a subtype.


cntintTotal quantity of matched rules.
distinctCntintUnique rules quantity.
distinctValsList of StringsA list of the unique rules.


cntlongQuantity of transactions in the aggregate.
minDoubleMinimum amount.
maxDoubleMaximum amount.
meanDoubleArithmetic mean amount.
sumDoubleSum of all transactions per interval.

applicant.assessment.scores.result, Elements of applicant.assessment.scores.sourceKeys

scoreDoubleApplicant score.
answerObjectAnswer calculated by the provided score with respect to the threshold from KYT settings.