Use this endpoint to update the wallet address for an existing Travel Rule transaction if the on-chain transaction was performed using a different address than originally specified.
This method is only applicable to Travel Rule transactions.
Request example
curl -X PATCH \
'https://api.sumsub.com/resources/kyt/txns/63ea1e0833fd6a5c5bfa75b4/applicantWalletAddress' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"walletAddress": "3213654zdrgsetrr51435ergh453t5z4239"
Response explained
The response is a JSON file that represents the structured information of the Travel Rule transaction. The existence of some fields depends on the transaction type and matched rules.
You can see the response structure and possible content with descriptions on this page. Mind the data.applicant.paymentMethod.accountId
attribute that represents the updated wallet address.
Response examples
If the request is successfully sent and processed, you will receive a response similar to the following:
"id" : "67c878232305ef000000000h",
"applicantId" : "67c87276fa52a4000000000h",
"externalUserId" : "a971da2b-b48e-46d6-b6b0-000000000h12",
"clientId" : "cool_client_id",
"data" : {
"txnId" : "5x56u7nl7ijfkd63aaaaaa",
"txnDate" : "2025-03-05 16:12:21+0000",
"applicant" : {
"externalUserId" : "a971da2b-b48e-46d6-b6b0-000000000h12",
"fullName" : "John Doe",
"dob" : "1992-05-08",
"placeOfBirth" : "Paris, France",
"type" : "individual",
"paymentMethod" : {
"type" : "crypto",
"accountId" : "3213654zdrgsetrr51435ergh453t5z4239" // Changed wallet address.
"institutionInfo" : {
"internalId" : "66f6f954abba0700000g0000"
"counterparty" : {
"externalUserId" : "e5bswoq7o3tk0000000000",
"fullName" : "Jack Doe",
"dob" : "1991-04-07",
"placeOfBirth" : "Berlin, Germany",
"type" : "individual",
"paymentMethod" : {
"type" : "crypto",
"accountId" : "bc1q080rkmk8kj86pxvf5nkxecdrw6nr000d00f000"
"institutionInfo" : {
"internalId" : "643c2b42f7bd550000h0000f"
"type" : "travelRule",
"info" : {
"direction" : "out",
"amount" : 0.01,
"currencyCode" : "BTC",
"currencyType" : "crypto",
"amountInDefaultCurrency" : 819.672131147541,
"defaultCurrencyCode" : "EUR"
"score" : 0,
"review" : {
"reviewId" : "aIzWf",
"attemptId" : "ESgxC",
"attemptCnt" : 2,
"elapsedSincePendingMs" : 16948,
"createDate" : "2025-03-05 16:13:23+0000",
"reviewResult" : {
"reviewAnswer" : "GREEN"
"reviewStatus" : "completed"
"createdAt" : "2025-03-05 16:13:23+0000",
"scoringResult" : {
"score" : 0,
"dryScore" : 0,
"matchedRules" : [ {
"id" : "6752d57274ce9b418c1e8684",
"name" : "TRI0",
"revision" : 10,
"title" : "Travel Rule: New TR data exchange request",
"score" : 0,
"dryRun" : false,
"action" : "score"
"travelRuleInfo" : {
"protocolName" : "sns",
"applicant" : {
"externalUserId" : "a971da2b-b48e-46d6-b6b0-000000000h12",
"fullName" : "John Doe",
"dob" : "1992-05-08",
"placeOfBirth" : "Paris, France"
"counterparty" : {
"externalUserId" : "e5bswoq7o3tk0000000000",
"fullName" : "Jack Doe",
"dob" : "1991-04-07"
"status" : "completed",
"applicantVaspId" : "66f6f954abba073927d55555",
"counterpartyVaspId" : "643c2b42f7bd5560a2f00000"
"txnInactive" : false
If the request fails, you will receive an HTTP response containing an error code along with a message explaining the error. For example:
"code": 400,
"correlationId": "72a72f00db9ccba0d3f3bdd83567aa2b",
"errorCode": 0,
"description": "Found transaction is not travel rule transaction"