Get E-Sign (QES) verification results


Use this method to get the results of the Qualified Electronic Signature Verification.

Response explained

The response represents a singleton list of checks.

Root variables

The root variables are the core E_SIGN check result data items. Some of them may include nested attributes and element fields.

answerStringСheck answer:
  • GREEN — user verification is successfully completed.
  • YELLOW — user verification is currently in progress.
  • ERROR — user verification wasn't completed because the Qualified Trust Service Provider is currently unavailable.
checkTypeStringIndicates that it is a E_SIGN check type.
createdAtDateDate and time (UTC, format YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS) of the latest E_SIGN check result.
idStringUnique identifier of the check.
inputDocObjectRepresents the data used for the E_SIGN check.
esignCheckInfoObjectIncludes E_SIGN check results.

inputDoc attributes

The following table explains the inputDoc attributes representing the data taken from the provided document.

idDocTypeStringType of the document provided for verification. For example, PASSPORT, ID_CARD, RESIDENCE_PERMIT, DRIVERS.
countryStringAlpha-3 country code (for example, DEU, GBR, ARG, and so on).
firstNameStringApplicant first name in the original language as it is in the document.
middleNameStringApplicant middle name in the original language as it is in the document.
lastNameStringApplicant last name in the original language as it is in the document.
numberStringDocument number.
validUntilDateDate when the document validity expires.
dobDateApplicant date of birth (format YYYY-mm-dd, e.g. 2001-09-25) as it is specified in the document.
emailStringApplicant email address.
phoneStringApplicant phone number.

esignCheckInfo attributes

The following table describes the esignCheckInfo attributes representing the E_SIGN check results.

unsignedDocumentsArray of objectsIncludes the objects representing documents that need to be signed.
signedDocumentsArray of objectsIncludes the objects representing signed client documents.

unsignedDocuments attributes

The following table describes the unsignedDocuments attributes containing documents that need to be signed.

idStringUnique identifier of the document.
imageIdIntegerImage ID represents a document that needs to be signed.
nameStringDocument title.

signedDocuments attributes

The following table describes the signedDocuments attributes containing signed documents.

idStringUnique identifier of the document.
imageIdIntegerImage ID represents a signed document.
nameStringDocument title.
signedAtDateDate and time (UTC, format YYYY-DD-MM HH:MM:SS) when a document was signed.
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