Get applicant review history


Use this method to get the review history of an applicant profile.



The number of records in the response is limited to 10 most recent events.

Request example

curl -X GET \

Response explained

In the response body, you will get the items array holding the following values.

attemptIdStringUnique identifier of the check attempt.

Applicants may initiate several attempts to get verified if, for example, they failed once or changed/added the documents.
levelNameStringName of the level used during verification.
reviewDateStringDate when the applicant profile received the final verification status.
reviewResultObjectContains the applicant verification results data.

For more information, refer to this article. To find out about buttonIds and rejectLabels, refer to Temporary rejection and Final rejection .
reviewStatusStringCurrent applicant review status.
totalItemsIntegerTotal count of the items array in the response. Limited to 10 recent events.

Response example

  "items" : [ {
    "attemptId" : "XBasm",
    "levelName" : "Liveness",
    "reviewDate" : "2025-03-11 12:44:52+0000",
    "reviewResult" : {
      "moderationComment" : "We could not verify your profile as your age doesn't match the requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the Company where you try to verify your profile",
      "clientComment" : "User's age doesn't comply with the regulations.",
      "reviewAnswer" : "RED",
      "reviewRejectType" : "FINAL",
      "buttonIds" : [ "regulationsViolations", "regulationsViolations_age" ]
    "reviewStatus" : "completed"
  } ],
  "totalItems" : 1
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!