Bulk transaction import


Use this method to import the list of transactions.

The method expects transactions to be uploaded as a valid NDJSON file with the Content-Type: application/x-ndjson header.

You can use the following templates as a reference:


Mind the following:

  • Import is limited to 1000 records per session.
  • To use this method, a list of JSON strings representing a transaction is expected, which should be divided with \n (see the example below).
  • If you import a txnId that already exists in the system, you will receive an error. In this case, the existing txnId is kept as is.

Request example

curl -X POST \
  'https://api.sumsub.com/resources/kyt/misc/txns/import' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-ndjson' \
  -d $'{
          "applicantId": "636cee6b17d6c7000144673b",
          "data": {
            "txnId": "631f268442d8290001e1eee8_newTxn",
            "applicant": {
              "externalUserId": "uniqueRemitterId",
              "address": {
                "country": "DEU",
                "street": "Chauseestr. 60",
                "postCode": "101115",
                "town": "Berlin"
              "device": {
                "ipInfo": {
                    "ip": ""
              "institutionInfo": {
                "code": "DEUTDEDB101",
                "name": "Deutsche Bank"
            "counterparty": {
              "externalUserId": "uniqueBeneficiaryId",
              "fullName": "John Smith",
              "type": "individual",
              "institutionInfo": {
                "code": "CRESCHZZXXX",
                "name": "Credit Swiss (Schweiz)"
            "info": {
              "direction": "in",
              "amount": 101.42,
              "currencyCode": "GBP",
              "paymentDetails": "Birthday Present"
          "applicantId": "636cee6b17d6c7000144673b",
          "data": {
            "txnId": "631f268442d8290001e1eee9_newTxn",
            "applicant": {
              "externalUserId": "uniqueRemitterId",
              "address": {
                "country": "DEU",
                "street": "Chauseestr. 60",
                "postCode": "101115",
                "town": "Berlin"
              "institutionInfo": {
                "code": "DEUTDEDB101",
                "name": "Deutsche Bank"
            "counterparty": {
              "externalUserId": "uniqueBeneficiaryId",
              "fullName": "John Smith",
              "type": "individual"
            "info": {
              "direction": "out",
              "amount": 101.42,
              "currencyCode": "GBP",
              "paymentDetails": "Birthday Present"

Response explained

The response contains the number of imported transactions.

Response example

    "createdCnt": 2
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!