As the Travel Rule API is a part of our Transaction Monitoring solution, to submit a Travel Rule transaction, use the following methods:
Travel Rule transaction examples
The following are the examples of request bodies that you can use for references when creating Travel Rule transactions. The examples depict transactions in which the originator and the beneficiary represent different entities.
Individual to individual
"txnId": "zfwyizd5shc02x1twxfiria",
"type": "travelRule",
"applicant": {
"type": "individual",
"nameType": "birthName",
"dob": "1992-05-08",
"placeOfBirth": "Paris, France",
"address": {
"country": "FRA",
"town": "Paris",
"postCode": "75001",
"street": "Rue de Rivoli",
"subStreet": "1"
"idDoc": {
"number": "FR42234089",
"country": "FRA",
"idDocType": "PASSPORT",
"registrationAuthority": "Ille-de-France 01"
"residenceCountry": "FRA",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "account",
"accountId": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
"device": {
"fingerprint": "fg669ym2yxt",
"ipInfo": {
"ip": "",
"countryCode3": "DEU",
"city": "Berlin",
"lat": 52.5583,
"lon": 13.3826,
"riskyAsn": false
"userAgentInfo": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0"
"institutionInfo": {},
"firstName": "Billing",
"lastName": "Dollars"
"counterparty": {
"externalUserId": "tfcat5r9eyfjsuc7xge3q",
"firstName": "Jack",
"lastName": "Posek",
"nameType": "birthName",
"type": "individual",
"dob": "1991-04-07",
"placeOfBirth": "Berlin, Germany",
"address": {
"country": "DEU",
"town": "Berlin",
"postCode": "10115",
"street": "Chauseestr.",
"subStreet": "60"
"idDoc": {
"number": "DE42234089",
"country": "DEU",
"idDocType": "PASSPORT",
"registrationAuthority": "BerlinMitte"
"residenceCountry": "DEU",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "",
"accountId": "bc1q080rkmk3kj86pxvf5nkxecdrw6nrx3zzy9xl7q"
"institutionInfo": {}
"info": {
"direction": "out",
"amount": 0.01,
"currencyCode": "BTC",
"type": ""
"props": {
"customProperty": "Custom value that can be used in rules",
"dailyOutLimit": "10000"
"txnDate": "2025-03-04 16:39:31+0000"
Company to individual
"txnId": "iqpyrhau4k823ldd7sq6nsh",
"type": "travelRule",
"applicant": {
"type": "company",
"nameType": "legalName",
"address": {
"country": "FRA",
"town": "Paris",
"postCode": "75001",
"street": "Rue de Rivoli",
"subStreet": "1"
"residenceCountry": "FRA",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "account",
"accountId": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
"device": {
"fingerprint": "dif385bf78f",
"ipInfo": {
"ip": "",
"countryCode3": "DEU",
"city": "Berlin",
"lat": 52.5583,
"lon": 13.3826,
"riskyAsn": false
"userAgentInfo": {
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0"
"institutionInfo": {},
"firstName": "",
"lastName": ""
"counterparty": {
"externalUserId": "u65vdmlf8ub1hczjngbeg",
"firstName": "Jack",
"lastName": "Posek",
"nameType": "birthName",
"type": "individual",
"dob": "1991-04-07",
"placeOfBirth": "Berlin, Germany",
"address": {
"country": "DEU",
"town": "Berlin",
"postCode": "10115",
"street": "Chauseestr.",
"subStreet": "60"
"idDoc": {
"number": "DE42234089",
"country": "DEU",
"idDocType": "PASSPORT",
"registrationAuthority": "BerlinMitte"
"residenceCountry": "DEU",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "",
"accountId": "bc1q080rkmk3kj86pxvf5nkxecdrw6nrx3zzy9xl7q"
"institutionInfo": {}
"info": {
"direction": "out",
"amount": 0.01,
"currencyCode": "BTC",
"type": ""
"props": {
"customProperty": "Custom value that can be used in rules",
"dailyOutLimit": "10000"
"txnDate": "2025-03-04 18:07:53+0000"
Individual to company
"txnId": "5udtz66zbhtzoi20799myk",
"type": "travelRule",
"applicant": {
"type": "individual",
"nameType": "birthName",
"dob": "1992-05-08",
"placeOfBirth": "Paris, France",
"address": {
"country": "FRA",
"town": "Paris",
"postCode": "75001",
"street": "Rue de Rivoli",
"subStreet": "1"
"idDoc": {
"number": "FR42234089",
"country": "FRA",
"idDocType": "PASSPORT",
"registrationAuthority": "Ille-de-France 01"
"residenceCountry": "FRA",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "crypto",
"accountId": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
"institutionInfo": {
"internalId": "66f6f954abba073927d11155"
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Oliver"
"counterparty": {
"externalUserId": "oipgyyuddwronalznz95f",
"fullName": "Company LTD",
"nameType": "legalName",
"type": "company",
"address": {
"country": "DEU",
"town": "Berlin",
"postCode": "10115",
"street": "Chauseestr.",
"subStreet": "60"
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "",
"accountId": "bc1q080rkmk3kj86pxvf5nkxecdrw6nrx3zzy9xl7q"
"institutionInfo": {
"internalId": "6601340978488d7ad23cde6f"
"info": {
"direction": "out",
"amount": 0.01,
"currencyCode": "BTC",
"type": "crypto"
Company to company
"txnId": "sj6hnjaen3abvq0ldq1s",
"type": "travelRule",
"applicant": {
"type": "company",
"nameType": "legalName",
"address": {
"country": "FRA",
"town": "Paris",
"postCode": "75001",
"street": "Rue de Rivoli",
"subStreet": "1"
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "crypto",
"accountId": "1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa"
"institutionInfo": {
"internalId": "66f6f954abba073927d11155"
"fullName": "Company CORP"
"counterparty": {
"externalUserId": "s2ftf5kgm1rc209wkf34h",
"fullName": "Company LTD",
"nameType": "legalName",
"type": "company",
"address": {
"country": "DEU",
"town": "Berlin",
"postCode": "10115",
"street": "Chauseestr.",
"subStreet": "60"
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "crypto",
"accountId": "bc1q080rkmk3kj86pxvf5nkxecdrw6nrx3zzy9xl7q"
"institutionInfo": {
"internalId": "6601340978488d7ad23cde6f"
"info": {
"direction": "out",
"amount": 0.01,
"currencyCode": "BTC",
"type": "crypto"