Temporary rejection

Learn more about the temporary rejection buttons.

This page lists buttons assigned upon the temporary rejection of applicant profiles.

Additional checks

Group ID: dbNetChecks.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Check UnavailablecheckUnavailableCHECK_UNAVAILABLEThe government database is currently unavailable. We could not validate the user identity document.
Driving RestrictionsdrivingRestrictionsRESTRICTED_PERSONThe applicant is subject to driving restrictions.
Incorrect BVNincorrectBvnINCORRECT_SOCIAL_NUMBERThe BVN number provided by the applicant is incorrect. A new BVN has been requested.
Incorrect SSNincorrectSsnINCORRECT_SOCIAL_NUMBERThe SSN number provided by the applicant is incorrect. A new SSN has been requested.
Incorrect TINincorrectTinINCORRECT_SOCIAL_NUMBERThe tax number provided by the applicant is incorrect. A new tax number has been requested.

Additional pages

Group ID: additionalPages.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Address pageregistrationStampDOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGThe uploaded document is missing the address page.
Another sideanotherSideDOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGThe uploaded document is double-sided and only one side was uploaded. A photo of the missing side has been requested.
Expiration date pageexpirationPageDOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGThe uploaded document is missing the expiration date page.
Main page of the documentmainPageIdDOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGThe uploaded document is missing the biodata page.. A new photo has been requested.
Next pagenextPageDOCUMENT_PAGE_MISSINGThe document page with expiration date has been requested.

Bad bank card

Group ID: bankCard.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Bank card without namefullNameIssueBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe name on the bank card is missing.
Expired bank cardexpirationDateBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe provided bank card has expired or expires soon. A new one has been requested.

Bad bank statement

Group ID: bankStatement.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Account/Card numbernotEnoughDataBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe account/card number on the bank statement is missing or cannot be read.
Full name (bank statement)fullNameIssueBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe full name on the bank statement is missing or cannot be read.

Bad document

Group ID: badDocument.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Copy of ID doccopyOfIdDocBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYThe applicant has uploaded a photo of a paper copy of their document instead of the original document.
Damaged IDdamagedIdDOCUMENT_DAMAGEDThe document is either damaged or unreadable. A new document has been requested.
Data mismatchdataMismatchREQUESTED_DATA_MISMATCHThe details in this document do not match with the information provided.
Digital IDdigitalIdDIGITAL_DOCUMENTThe applicant uploaded a digital version of the document. A new document has been requested.
English translationneedTranslationINCOMPATIBLE_LANGUAGEThe applicant uploaded a document in a language that is not supported by Sumsub. The notarized English translation has been requested.
Expired IDexpiredIdEXPIRATION_DATEThe provided identity document has expired. A new document has been requested.
ID expiration dateexpirationDateEXPIRATION_DATEThe provided identity document expires in less than one month.
Invalid IDinvalidIdID_INVALIDThe provided identity document is invalid. A new document has been requested.
Missed NFCmissedNfcINCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTNFC scanning is required.
Not a full DoBnotFullDobBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYApplicant date of birth is not present in the provided document.
Not a full namenotFullNameBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYApplicant full name is not present in the provided document.
Suspicious documentsuspiciousDocumentBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYA new document has been requested, to minimize potential risk of fraud.
Unsigned documentunsignedBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYThe applicant uploaded a document without relevant signatures and stamps. A signed copy has been requested.
Without facewithoutFaceBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYThe face of the document owner is poorly visible, making face match impossible.
Wrong typewrongTypeBAD_PROOF_OF_IDENTITYThe uploaded document is not supported by Sumsub.

Bad photo

Group ID: badPhoto.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Data not readabledataNotVisibleUNSATISFACTORY_PHOTOSRequired fields of the document are not readable or visible. A new photo has been requested.
Image editors have been detected. A new photo has been requested.
ScreenshotsscreenshotSCREENSHOTS, UNSATISFACTORY_PHOTOSThe applicant uploaded screenshots. A new photo has been requested.

Black crypto

Group ID: blackCrypto.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Black cryptoblackCryptoBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTWallet address is incorrect.
Black cryptoblackCryptoBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTWallet address does not participate in outputs of transaction.

Control and ownership structure

Group ID: kybControlAndOwnershipStructure.


Button ID

Associated rejection label


Incorrect control structure



The declared control structure of the company does not meet data in the corporate documents and requires changing or providing other establishing documents.

Incorrect ownership structure



The declared ownership structure of the company does not meet data in the corporate documents and requires changing or providing other establishing documents.

Missing KYC for directors



All directors of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Missing KYC for representative



All representatives of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Missing KYC for shareholders



All shareholders of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Missing KYC for UBOs



All ultimate beneficial owners of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Data mismatch

Group ID: dataMismatch.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Address issueaddressWRONG_ADDRESSThe address on the profile does not match document data.
Date of birth issuedateOfBirthPROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAThe date of birth on the profile does not match document data.
Full name issuefullNamePROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAThe full name on the profile does not match document data.
Gender mismatchgenderPROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAThe gender on the profile does not match document data.
Data mismatch (payments)dataMismatchBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe filled-in data does not match the information on the uploaded image.

E-KYC retry

Group ID: ekycRetry.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Check unavailablecheckUnavailableCHECK_UNAVAILABLEThe government database is currently unavailable. We could not verify user data with this method.
Data mismatchdataMismatchPROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAProvided data does not match the data from the government database.
Not enough data in sourcenotEnoughDataInSourcePROBLEMATIC_APPLICANT_DATAWe could not find applicant data in the government database.

External databases retries

Group ID: dbNetRetry.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Address mismatchaddressMismatchDB_DATA_MISMATCHProvided address does not match the data from the government database.
Check UnavailablecheckUnavailableCHECK_UNAVAILABLEThe government database is currently unavailable. We could not verify user data with this method.
Data mismatchdataMismatchDB_DATA_MISMATCHProvided data does not match the data from the database.
Data not founddataNotFoundDB_DATA_NOT_FOUNDWe could not find applicant data in the database.
Date of birth mismatchdobMismatchDB_DATA_MISMATCHProvided date of birth does not match the data from the database.
Gender mismatchgenderMismatchDB_DATA_MISMATCHProvided gender does not match the data from the database.
Name mismatchnameMismatchDB_DATA_MISMATCHProvided name does not match the data from the database.

GPS as POA skipped

Group ID: gpsAsPoaSkipped.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
GPS as POA skippedgpsAsPoaSkippedGPS_AS_POA_SKIPPEDThe applicant has completed verification but has not provided sufficient address details.

Legal Entity (company)

Group ID: company.


Button ID

Associated rejection label


Beneficial owners are not validated



All ultimate beneficial owners of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Control structure is not established



The declared control structure of the company does not meet data in the corporate documents and requires changing or providing other establishing documents.

Directors are not validated



All directors of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Incorrect company name



The specified company name in the profile does not match the data in the corporate documents or companies state register.

Incorrect registration number



The specified company registration number in the profile does not match the data in the corporate documents or companies state register.

More docs



Additional documents are required.

Ownership structure is not established



The declared ownership structure of the company could not be established requires changing or providing other establishing documents.

Representatives are not validated



All representatives of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

Shareholders are not validated



All shareholders of the company who were requested for identity verification should pass the required checks.

More docs

Group ID: kybAdditionalDocuments.


Button ID

Associated rejection label


Articles of Association



The company memorandum/articles of association should be provided.

Certificate of Good Standing



The company certificate of Good Standing should be provided.

Certificate of Incorporation



The company certificate of incorporation/registration should be provided.

Certificate of Incumbency



The company certificate of incumbency should be provided.

Company register excerpt



The company recent excerpt from the register should be provided.




The document containing the company EIN should be provided.

Internal form



The provided internal form for applicants should be duly filled in and signed.

Legal bond



The provided document should establish the legal bonds.

Legal existence document



The provided document should confirm legal existence of your company: a certificate of incorporation, excerpt from the register, etc.

Official position



The provided document should confirm an official position in the company.

Proof of address



The document confirming the company registered address should be provided.

Register of directors



The company register of directors/officers should be provided.

Register of members



The company register of members should be provided.

Register of shareholders/UBOs



The provided document should establish the benefical owners of your company: a register of shareholders, excerpt from the register, etc.


Group ID: kybOther.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Inactive entitykybInactiveCOMPANY_INACTIVE_ENTITYThe entity is seems to be inactive according to the publicly available state company registry.
Incorrect company namekybIncorrectCompanyNameCOMPANY_INCORRECT_DATAThe specified company name in the profile does not match the data in the corporate documents or companies state register.
Incorrect registration numberkybIncorrectRegistrationNumberCOMPANY_INCORRECT_DATAThe specified company registration number in the profile does not match the data in the corporate documents or companies state register.
Sole entrepreneurkybSoleEntrepreneurDOCUMENT_MISSINGBusiness verification of the sole interpreneur demands uploading the corporate documents confirming a legal status and containing a registration/VAT number.
SpamkybSpamSPAMVerification has been rejected due to excessive file uploads.
Unacceptable entitykybUnacceptableEntityREGULATIONS_VIOLATIONSThe entity type cannot be accepted according to the regulations.

Proof of Address

Group ID: proofOfAddress.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Full addressfullAddressBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe full address of the applicant has not been provided on the document or cannot be read.
Full namefullNameBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe full name of the applicant has not been provided on the document or cannot be read.
ID country mismatchpoiPoaCountryMismatchBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe country stated in the ID document does not match the country entered by the applicant.
Issue dateissueDateBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe document uploaded by the applicant is expired according to the PoA validity settings.
List of documentslistOfDocsBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe applicant uploaded a document that is not supported by Sumsub.
Passport without numbernotEnoughDataBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThere is no number on the document (passport) uploaded by the applicant.
Provided address mismatchdataMismatchBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe address on the document uploaded by the applicant does not match the address entered by the applicant.
Submit the same documentsameDocBAD_PROOF_OF_ADDRESSThe applicant uploaded the same document as PoA and PoI.
Unsupported languageunAcceptableLanguageUNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGEThe applicant uploaded the document in a language that is not supported by Sumsub.

Proof of Payment

Group ID: proofOfPayment.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Bank cardbankCardBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTBank card details are missing or not visible. A suitable bank card has been requested.
Bank statementfullNameBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTBank statement details are missing or not visible. A suitable bank statement has been requested.
Decline paymentproofOfPaymentBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTAccording to the documents provided, the payment has not been completed.
E-walletissueDateBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe confirmation of the electronic wallet has been requested.
Wire transferlistOfDocsBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTThe confirmation of the wire transfer has been requested.


Group ID: selfie.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Compare with ID mismatchbadFaceComparisonBAD_FACE_MATCHING,
The applicant face on the selfie is not clearly visible and cannot be matched against the photo in the ID document.
Liveness with watermarklivenessWatermarkBAD_SELFIEThere is camera text or a watermark on the Liveness record originating from the proprietary software.
Selfie LivenessselfieLivenessBAD_SELFIEThe applicant has failed the Liveness check.
Selfie with IDselfieWithIdBAD_SELFIEThe applicant uploaded a selfie without the ID document. Selfie with the appropriate ID has been requested.
Video SelfievideoSelfieBAD_VIDEO_SELFIEThe applicant has failed to pass the video selfie check. A new video selfie has been requested.
Webcam selfiewebcamSelfieBAD_SELFIEApplicant selfie has been requested.

Unsuitable document

Group ID: kybUnsuitableDocument.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Black and whitekybBlackAndWhiteBLACK_AND_WHITEThe applicant provided the document in black and white. A new image of the document has been requested.
Data mismatchkybDataMismatchCOMPANY_DATA_MISMATCHThe data in the provided document does not match the data provided by the applicant.
Document templatekybDocumentTemplateDOCUMENT_TEMPLATEThe provided document is a template.
Expiration datekybExpirationDateEXPIRATION_DATEThe document has an unsuitable expiration date.
ForgerykybForgeryFORGERYThe provided document is suspected of being a forgery.
Graphics editing softwarekybGraphicsEditingSoftwareGRAPHIC_EDITORThe provided document has graphic modifications or edits applied. A document that has not been changed in any way should be uploaded.
Incomplete documentkybIncompleteDocumentINCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTThe provided file does not include all pages and sides of the document.
Low qualitykybLowQualityLOW_QUALITYThe provided document file quality is too low to accept for verification.
Missing translationkybMissingTranslationUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThere is no English translation applied to the document.
No datekybNoDateINCOMPLETE_DOCUMENTThere is no date specified in the document.
Non-apostilled documentkybNonApostilledDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document has not been apostilled.
Non-authentic documentkybNonAuthenticDocumentUNFILLED_IDThe provided document is not authentic.
Non-certified documentkybNonCertifiedDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document is not a valid certified copy.
Non-certified translationkybNonCertifiedTranslationUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe translation of the document has not been certified.
Non-notarized documentkybNonNotarizedDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document has not been notarized.
Not a documentkybNotADocumentNOT_DOCUMENTThe provided file is not a document.
Not readable documentkybCouldntReadFieldsUNFILLED_IDThe company name or registration number is missing in the document.
Not the latest versionkybLastVersionOUTDATED_DOCUMENT_VERSIONThe provided document is not the most recent version based on the state company register.
Personal documentkybPersonalDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided file is a personal document that cannot be accepted for business verification.
ScreenshotkybScreenshotSCREENSHOTSThe provided document is a screenshot. Upload your document as a scanned copy or PDF file.
Self-issued documentkybSelfIssuedDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document has been issued not by the state company/authority. A document that was issued and registered officially should be uploaded.
Unsealed documentkybUnsealedDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document has not been sealed.
Unsigned documentkybUnsignedDocumentUNSUITABLE_DOCUMENTThe provided document has not been duly signed.


Group ID: videoIdent.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Applicant can not be seennotSeenUNSUITABLE_ENVOn the Video Ident call, the applicant was not visible.
Bad connectionbadConnectionCONNECTION_INTERRUPTEDThe Video Ident call connection was interrupted.
Interrupted interviewapplicantInterruptedInterviewAPPLICANT_INTERRUPTED_INTERVIEWOn the Video Ident call, the applicant did not finish the interview.
No docsnoSuitableDocsDOCUMENT_MISSINGThe applicant failed to provide the required documents on the Video Ident call.
Not alonenotAloneUNSUITABLE_ENVOn the Video Ident call, the applicant was not alone.

Wallet signature mismatch

Group ID: walletSignatureMismatch.

ButtonButton IDAssociated rejection labelDescription
Wallet Signature mismatchwalletSignatureMismatchBAD_PROOF_OF_PAYMENTSignature of the wallet has been mismatched.