June 2023

Meet the redesigned Global Settings Menu, newly delivered rejection labels, and recently added countries available for non-document verification.


New rejection labels for Video Ident and Non-Doc Verification:

  • You now get clearer rejection reasons.
  • You can now filter rejected applicants more quickly.

Labels we are planning to add:

  • CHECK_UNAVAILABLE — The database is not available.
  • INCORRECT_SOСIAL_NUMBER — The user provided an incorrect social number.
  • THIRD_PARTY_INVOLVED — The user is undergoing verification via third party for a fee.
  • UNSUPPORTED_LANGUAGE — The language is not supported for video identification.

For more information, see this article.


We have prepared a brand new interface for Global Settings:

  • New design, same old settings. Nothing has changed except for the look and feel.
  • Improved UX with segments added to Global Settings: General, User Verification, Payment Methods Check, AML Screening, and Data Comparison.

Non-Doc Verification

Bangladesh and Ghana are now available for Non-Doc Verification.

Onboard users faster by requesting just their ID number. All you need to do to onboard a Bangladesh or Ghana user is perform a quick liveness check.

Database Verification

India Driving License validity check is now live. Georgian IDs, passports, and Estonian driving licenses are available for additional validation through local sources.


The MobileSDK now supports Hungarian.