July 2024

In this release, we have delivered a lot of updates in the Sumsub's Dashboard UI and functionality. Also, we have redesigned the PoA presets page, making it easier to navigate through the settings. In addition to that, both the Non-Doc Verification and the Business Verification solutions have been upgraded with new abilities and functions.


New questionnaire design

How it differs from the previous one:

  • More intuitive handling of questionnaire localization (yes, questionnaires can be localized!).
  • Question types have been renamed to be more understandable for users. Also, we made field validation easier to understand, added more hints, and added scrolling to the required field.
  • Ability to set the width of work areas.
  • Minor details: pre-created first section of the questionnaire (fewer unnecessary clicks), the ability to easily drag and drop questions, sections, and answer options, and much more.
  • When creating questionnaires, it’s now possible to edit IDs for the questionnaire, sections, and questions (very helpful for those who use the API).

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Applicant page update in progress

We will gradually update the applicant page to test out changes and collect your feedback via a survey. The survey will be rolled out gradually to certain users who haven’t received any other surveys in a while.

A new layout for AML Screening page in the Global Settings

What’s New:

  • Provider info and Dev space link.
  • Separate settings section for each provider.
  • Default Provider flag for identifying the main provider. (this means that a newly created level will use this provider by default).
  • Ongoing AML Monitoring as a separate tab.

Check it out ->

We made a few changes to the data comparison modes

What to expect:

On August 1, we plan to replace the six current "name comparison modes" with just three. The three new "name comparison modes" are:

  • Moderate — essentially the same as the current "Default" mode
  • Weak containment — The most flexible mode, for cases when you need high pass rates
  • Strict — For strict regulatory cases that need a 100% name match

To sum up:

Clients who previously used the "Default" / "Containment" / "Fuzzy" / "Fuzzy containment" modes will be migrated to the "Moderate" mode; "Strict" will be kept as "Strict".

Check it out ->

We’ve updated our Applicant Summary

Now, it also includes information on Risk Labels from the Risk Labels section on the applicant’s page. Previously, we did not show these labels in the report at all—now they are available with group differentiation.

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Supported ID documents table appearance update

We have made some visual adjustments to improve the experience of using the table and make it in line with our system design.

What’s new:

  • Horizontal scrolling If there isn’t enough space for the table to show all documents.
  • A manage panel at the bottom of the page, where you’ll find the new functionality:
    • Manage documents
    • Restore default settings
    • Change document sides — options for one side, two sides, or disabling the document for the country.
    • The Show changed button has been renamed to Changed only and moved to the left side.

Animated instructions for steps in WebSDK 2.0

From now on, within the mobile view, your applicants will see the animated instructions on how to pass verification.

Steps where you can see animations:

  • ID Verification (different animations for ID, Passport)
  • Liveness
  • Web camera photo
  • Selfie with document
  • Short Video
  • Payment Method | Account Details
  • Payment Method | Credit Card

The desktop version animation is coming soon.

Skeleton loader for Dashboard pages

When loading the Dashboard pages, now you will be seeing the skeleton loader instead of the Sumsub logo.


Kazakh language has been added to the MobileSDK

Check out this article to see all the languages supported by our SDKs.

Identity verification

Brand new German eID Verification solution

We are proud to announce implementing the onboarding service for verification applicants from Germany by entering their PIN and reading the NFC chip on the identity document via their mobile device.

The new solution is compliant with the eIDAS and Customer Due Diligence requirements under the German AML framework (GwG Abschnitt 3 § 12 (1) 2.)

German eID verification is the most relevant for the following businesses:

  • Banking institutions
  • Neo-banking institutions
  • Cryptocurrency service providers
  • iGaming Operators
  • Insurance companies
  • Brokerage firms

Learn more ->

Fresh settings for managing duplicates on the User Verification page

  • Forbid duplicates from the key group is for disallowing duplicates across all of the client’s keys.
  • Respect blocklist hits only from the key group is for using the client’s local blocklist across all of the client’s keys.

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Non-Doc Verification

South Africa National ID Non-Document Verification

You can now receive applicant gender and citizenship status as part of Non-Doc results.

BVN-based verification for Nigeria

You can now receive the nationality of the user as part of BVN-based verification.

Learn more ->

Proof of Address

Redesign of the PoA presets page

What’s changed?

  • The page has become easier to navigate. All settings are grouped by checks they affect (for example, PoI as PoA / crosscheck / etc.)
  • Moved custom country configuration in separate presets tab.
  • Added some tooltips with clarification of settings.

Learn more ->

Video Identification

Timestamps have been added to the Video Identification solution

We now include a timestamp in the video recordings of calls to make it easier to understand and verify when identification took place.

This change improves data integrity and transparency, enhances product usability, and satisfies the regulatory requirements of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) - Regulator in Latvia.

Business Verification

A few changes to the Business Verification solution

  • Company structure has become more informative with beneficial percentages. Now we can switch between the extracted reference structure we got from data sources and the one provided by applicants themselves.
  • Auto-rejection option added for cases when at least one KYC verification was rejected.


Question surveys and product tours in Self-service

Sumsub Self-Service has been boosted by adding the surveys, which enhance business demographics awareness and implementing the product tours, making the clients’ path from Trial to Production even more smooth and fast.